Quick Sort
Pivot Choice:     Partition scheme:
   Step-by-Step Animation   Animation Speed 
Quick Sort: This algorithm chooses an element as a pivot, partitions the array around the chosen pivot, and then makes two recursive calls to the left and right partition respectively. The time complexity of the average case is O(n·log(n)) where n is the size of the array. The worst-case performance is O(n2)
Pivot Choice:
1. First: Choose the first element as the pivot.
2. Last: Choose the last element as the pivot.
3. Median-of-three: Choose the median of the first, middle, and last element as pivot.
Partition scheme:
1. Lomuto & Hoare partition: Please refer here
2. Hoare's modified partition: Please refer here
Recursion Details:
1. If the array size is <= 1, return.
2. If the array size is 2, when the first element is greater than the second element, make a swap and then return.
3. If the array size is >= 3, we partition the array around the pivot and then make two recursive calls to these two partitions.
Animation Input: Enter a series of numbers that are separated by space.
Pivot Choice:
1. First: Choose the first element as pivot.
2. Last: Choose the last element as pivot.
3. Median-of-three: Choose the median of first, miidle, and last element as pivot.
Partition scheme:
1. Lomuto & Hoare partition: Please refer here
2. Hoare's modified partition: Please refer here
Recursion Details:
1. If the array size is <= 1, return.
2. If the array size is 2, when the first element is greater than the second element, make a swap and then return.
3. If the array size is >= 3, we partition the array around the pivot and then make two recursive calls to these two partitions. Note: Different partition checke
Animation Input: Enter a series of numbers that are separated by space.