Buck-Boost Steady-State Simulation Example

Below is the MATLAB code used for steady-state simulation of a buck-boost converter. The code uses the state space description developed in Lectures 5-6 and the steady-state solution developed in Lecture 7.

To overcome the singularity of ${\bf A}_1$, a 100 k$\Omega$ resistance $R_{out}$ is added at the output. Alternative methods to deal with this singularity without altering the circuit description will be presented in future lectures.

tsteps = 1000;      % Number of time-steps per period

%% Buck Boost Example
ron = 1e-3;
RL = 2;
Co = 1e-6;
L = .5e-6;

fs = 1e6;
Ts = 1/fs;

D = 0.25;
Vg = 48;
Iload = 1;

Rout = 100e3;          % Output resistor used to prevent A1 from being singular

K = [L, 0;
    0, Co];

%% Define state space representations during each subinterval
% Subinterval I
A1p = [-(ron+RL), 0;
        0,  -1/Rout];

B1p = [1, 0;
       0, -1];

A1 = K\A1p;             % "\" computes the inverse of a matrix multiplied by another matrix/vector
B1 = K\B1p;             % results in faster computation that inv(K)*A1p by not actually forming inv(K)
C1 = [ron, 0;
     -ron, 1;
      0,   1];

D1 = [0, 0;
      1, 0;
      0, 0];
% Subinterval II
A2p = [-(ron+RL), -1;
        1,  -1/Rout];

B2p = [0, 0;
       0, -1];

A2 = K\A2p;
B2 = K\B2p;

C2 = [ron, 1;
     -ron, 0;
      0,   1];

D2 = [1, 0;
      0, 0;
      0, 0];
%% Steady-State Solution
u = [Vg; Iload];

X0 = [  -3.4530;    8.0620];
XDTs = [   13.8981;    7.8120];

%% Reconstruct steady-state waveforms
t = linspace(0, Ts, tsteps);

sys1 = ss(A1, B1, C1, D1);          % create state space system during I
t1 = t(t<=D*Ts);                    % get timesteps during I
u1 = repmat(u, 1, length(t1));      % repeat u-vector (constant at each timestep)
[Y1,~,X1] = lsim(sys1,u1,t1,X0);    % use lsim to get back time-domain waveform

sys2 = ss(A2, B2, C2, D2);          % Repeat above for switching interval II
t2 = t(t>D*Ts);
u2 = repmat(u, 1, length(t2));
[Y2,~,X2] = lsim(sys2,u2,t2-t2(1),XDTs);

Y = [Y1; Y2];                       % combine intervals I and II
X = [X1; X2];

%% Plot x(t) and y(t)
plot(t*1e6, X, 'LineWidth', 3)
legend('{\it i_L} [A]', '{\it v_c} [V]');
ylabel('{\bf x}({\it{t}})')

plot(t*1e6, Y, 'LineWidth', 3)
legend('{\it v_{ds1}} [V]', '{\it v_{ds2}} [V]', '{\it v_c} [V]');
xlabel('time [{\mu}sec]')
ylabel('{\bf y}({\it{t}})')