Current Projects

The following are the current projects that I am investigating:

Gregory D. Peterson (PI), ?Automated Vulnerability Detection for Compiled Smart Grid. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, $30,000. June 2011 - September 2011. (GDP portion: $30,000)

Robert J. Harrison, A. Eguiluz,, and Gregory D. Peterson (co-PI). Computational Chemistry and Physics Beyond the Petascale, National Science Foundation, $1.33M, 15 July 2009 - 30 June 2012. (GDP portion: $340,428)

Cynthia Peterson, Jack Dongarra, and Mike Langston (Gregory D. Peterson co-I), SCALE-IT. NSF IGERT, $1,297,780. May 2009 - September 2014. (GDP portion: $41000)

Robert J. Harrison, R.J. Hinde, and Gregory D. Peterson (co-PI). Collaborative Research: Cyberinfrastructure and Research Facilities: Chemical Computations on Future High-end Computers, National Science Foundation, $1.08M, 1 August 2006 - 31 July 2011. (GDP portion: $600,000)

Gregory D. Peterson (PI), Secure, Reliable Computing. Air Force Research Laboratory, $129,778. May 2009 - September 2011. (GDP portion: $129,778)

Gregory Peterson - - Ph:865-974-6352 Fax:865-974-5483
411 Ferris Hall - 1508 Middle Drive - Knoxville, TN 37996-2100
