CS594 Computer Graphics - Lab1

  • Jian Huang
  • CS594
  • Directory: ~huangj/CS594F08/lab1



    A running demo package is provided to you. Your lab should mimic the way that demo package works. The basic tasks you will perform in this lab include:

    You are not required to program under a certain operating system or a specific window manager of any kind in this course. While the most advanced graphics hardware is now primarily manufactured for the PC platform, over the past few years, the functional difference among Linux and Windows systems has become rather minor. The same code from the demo package would work on both Linux and Windows. However, please note that all Hydra lab machines are running Linux. If you choose to do your labs on Windows, it would then be you need to do the assignments on your own computer.

    Demo Package

    The demo package is stored at:


    There are two directories:


    The DEMO directory contains actual binary executables for both Linux and Windows systems. Looking under the API directory, you should find the implementation that produced the demo binary. However, the part that you should implement in Lab1 provided in the form of an object file, instead of source code. The makefile under the same directory is a working makefile on all Hydra machines.

    In the demo package, a simple glut based main() has been created for you. This main function, located in lab1.c, opens a window for you and calls the rendering functions to render into that drawable. You can directly use lab1.c and don't have to write your own. You only have to change the way you compile and build the executable. lab1.h defines the API for Lab1.


    Suggested Strategy

    This demo package is provided to help you to reduce the amount of time spent in doing your lab. With this package, you can incrementally design and debug each module of your code. You have the choice of choosing to either link with your own code or the *.o files provided to you, so that you can compare and debug. By the end of Lab 1, you would submit only your own code, and your own code should run by itself and perform the tasks listed in the previous section.

    You are suggested to start early, and finish each separate module that you have been taught as the course proceeds. Don't wait till the last weekend!


    Hydra lab has 30 dual 3.4GHz P4 workstations, each with 2GB of main memory. The graphics cards on all hydra machines are:

    Feel free to try glxinfo and lspci on your machine.