CS594 Computer Graphics Lab Policies

Grading Criteria

Grading of the labs will be based on the following:

     80%: Correctness and adherence to assignment specification. This includes any error checking
     specified in the lab  handout. If no error checking is specified, then you don't have to do it
     10%: Readability and structure of code, use of comments, indentation, etc.
     10%: Efficiency and speed (only an issue if its very inefficient)

Late Penalty

You are highly encouraged to submit on time. We have a pretty tight schedule. Being late for one lab could affect the time left for you to complete subsequent labs. All labs are due at the midnight of the specified due date, and there is a 20% late penalty/day for up to 100% for late assignments. After 5 days, you get zero.

Don't copy labs. Discussion of lab assignments is allowed and encouraged. However, you need to complete the lab all by yourself. We have a pretty small class. Labs which are too similar will be scrutinized by grader and myself.