CS360 -- Lab 2 -- Buffering

  • Jian Huang
  • CS360
  • Url: http://www.cs.utk.edu/~huangj/cs360/360/labs/lab2/lab.html

    This lab gives you some practice with read(), fread(), and buffering.

    First, in whatever directory you'll be writing code, do the following:

    UNIX> ln -s ~huangj/cs360/labs/lab2/hosts
    UNIX> ln -s ~huangj/cs360/labs/lab2/converted
    This will make links to the files hosts and converted which are in my lab directory. We want you to make a link instead of a copy to save on disk space. When you're done with this assignment, delete these links and any copies of these files. This is because these files are 335K and 488K respectively. It won't take many students to copy these files and kill the disk space allotted to students.

    Now, look at the hosts file:

    UNIX> head hosts cocker.vet.utk.edu      cocker berkelium.chem.utk.edu  berkelium cherokee.gg.utk.edu     cherokee   slipgate1.utk.edu       slipgate1   csmacw14.cs.utk.edu     csmacw14   cygnusx1.cs.utk.edu     cygnusx1   pepsi.cs.utk.edu        pepsi   wham-o.cs.utk.edu       wham-o       localhost       loghost mccall.oac.utk.edu      mccall
    Each line of the hosts file refers to a machine somewhere at UT, ORNL, or Princeton. Each machine has an ``IP'' address, which is the first word on the line. This address consists of four numbers between 0 and 255, and is how machines are accessed on the internet. Next are all the names by which this machine is known. You'll note that most machines have just two names -- a local name (without dots, e.g. ``cocker''), and an absolute name (with dots, e.g. ``cocker.vet.utk.edu''). Some machines have only local names (like ``localhost''), and some have more than one local name (like, which goes by ``princeton.edu'', ``princeton'', and ``newsserver''). Whenever a machine has an absolute name, it also is known by a local name which is the prefix of the absolute name (e.g. ``cocker'' is the prefix of ``cocker.vet.utk.edu'').

    Now, the file converted contains the same information as hosts, only it's in a terser form. Converted is just a stream of bytes adhering to a specific format. Like hosts, it contains successive entries for each machine; however, you can't read converted with head or vi. Instead you must write a program to read it. Each machine entry has the following form:

    To save on space, if an entry contains an absolute machine name, the local name corresponding to the prefix of that absolute name is ommitted.

    Thus, the first 58 bytes of converted contain the information for the machines ``cocker.vet.utk.edu'' and ``berkelium.chem.utk.edu'':

    x Byte x Byte x+1 Byte x+2 Byte x+3 Byte x+4 Byte x+5 Byte x+6 Byte x+7
    1 128 169 202 200 0 0 0 1
    9 99 ('c') 111 ('o') 99 ('c') 107 ('k') 101 ('e') 114 ('r') 46 ('.') 118 ('v')
    17 101 ('e') 116 ('t') 46 ('.') 117 ('u') 116 ('t') 107 ('k') 46 ('.') 101 ('e')
    25 100 ('d') 117 ('u') 0 ('\0') 128 169 201 208 0
    33 0 0 1 98 ('b') 101 ('e') 114 ('r') 107 ('k') 101 ('e')
    41 108 ('l') 105 ('i') 117 ('u') 109 ('m') 46 ('.') 99 ('c') 104 ('h') 101 ('e')
    49 109 ('m') 46 ('.') 117 ('u') 116 ('t') 107 ('k') 46 ('.') 101 ('e') 100 ('d')
    57 117 ('u') 0 ('\0')

    Part 1

    Write the program l2p1. This program reads host information from the file converted into a red-black tree keyed on machine names. After reading in the file, it prompts the user to enter a machine name, and then prints out the IP address, and all names for that machine. The red-black tree should include both local and absolute names. It should also contain local names that are prefixes to absolute names, even though those names are not in the converted file (i.e. ``cocker'' and ``berkelium'' should be in the red-black tree, even though they are not explicitly in the converted file). You may assume that there are no duplicate local names in the converted file. Use buffered (standard) I/O routines to read in the converted file. In other words, use fread(), fgetc(), fscanf(), etc. --- whichever works best for you. ~cs360/lab2/l2p1 is an executable file that works as yours should. When in doubt, see what this program does. The following is example input and output from l2p1:
    UNIX> ~cs360/lab2/l2p1
    Hosts all read in
    Enter host name: hydra3e hydra3e.cs.utk.edu hydra3e
    Enter host name: sun4server commonserver decmipsserver decmserver diskfarm.princeton.edu diskfarm homeserver irisserver mailserver oedfileserver rtpcserver sun3server sun4server
    Enter host name: duncan duncan.cs.utk.edu duncan
    Enter host name: xxx
    no key xxx
    Enter host name: < CNTL-D >
    If you try to run l2p1 and it says:
    l2p1: converted: No such file or directory
    then you have not made a link to ~huangj/cs360/labs/lab2/converted. Do:
    UNIX> ln -s ~huangj/cs360/labs/lab2/converted
    and try again. You'll notice that it takes a few seconds for l2p1 to read in the converted file. You can time this using time, and using the null file /dev/null as input:
    UNIX> time ~cs360/lab2/l2p1 < /dev/null
    Hosts all read in
    Enter host name: 3.4u 0.6s 0:04 99% 0+1824k 1+0io 0pf+0w
    This says that the program took 3.4 seconds of user time, 0.6 seconds of system time, and 0:04 (4 seconds) wall clock time. Your program should have a comparable time (between 3-5 seconds -- mine will be faster because I compiled it with the -O flag of gcc. This flag tries to make the code as fast as possible. You can try this too if you want).

    Part 2

    Write the program l2p2. This program is the exact same as l2p1 except you must use only the system calls open(), close() and read() to read in the file converted. (You can use buffered I/O to read/write from standard input and standard output, but not from the file converted). Don't worry about efficiency -- just make the program work. If you have structured things right, this should take just a few modifications to l2p1.c. ~cs360/lab2/l2p2 is an executable file that works as yours should. Note that it is considerably slower than l2p1:
    UNIX> time ~cs360/lab2/l2p2 < /dev/null
    Hosts all read in 
    Enter host name: 4.7u 21.9s 0:26 99% 0+1796k 5+0io 5pf+0w 
    You may well get running times in the 30--40 second range.

    Part 3

    Write the program l2p3. Your job is to take l2p2 and make it run as fast as l2p1. You may still use only open(), close() and read() to read in the file converted. You will have to add your own buffering. By this, I mean you should only call read() once. Make your buffer 350000 bytes so that you can read in all of converted at once. There is a working executable in ~cs360/lab2/l2p3:
    UNIX> time ~cs360/lab2/l2p3 < /dev/null
    Hosts all read in
    Enter host name: 3.0u 0.7s 0:04 76% 0+2064k 41+0io 41pf+0w


    As usual, when doing this lab start small and build your way up. In other words, don't even think about inserting anything into a rb-tree until you can successfully read the converted file and interpret its contents. Then start to worry about the rb-tree. Your rb-tree should be keyed on machine name, and have a val.v field which points to a struct like the following:
    struct ip {
      unsigned char address[4];
      Dllist names;
    If you want to have the names printed out alphabetically, use a rb-tree instead of a dlist for names. However, when you first start to write rb-tree code, don't bother with the struct. Instead, just have the ip address be the val.v field. Add the struct once you get the rb-tree lookup working. Your rb-tree code should be identical for all three parts.

    If you get a bus error in l2p3

    There's a good chance that when you first try l2p3, you'll get a bus error. This is because you will try to access the number of names for an entry in your buffer as an integer, but it won't be aligned. For example, suppose you have a buffer s, that contains all of converted, and you know that the number of names for the second entry is at (s+13). If you try something like:
      char *s;
      int *i, count;
      i = (int *) (s+13);
      count = *i
    then you will get a bus error. Instead, use memcpy(&count, s+13, sizeof(int)). Read the man page on memcpy() if this is sounding a little confusing to you.