CS360 Lecture notes -- Assembler Lecture #1

  • Jim Plank
  • Directory: /blugreen/homes/plank/cs360/notes/Assembler1
  • Lecture notes: http://www.cs.utk.edu/~plank/plank/classes/cs360/360/notes/Assembler1/lecture.html
    This is the beginning lecture on computer organization & stack frames. I know it is most likely a confusing lecture, but this is some subtle stuff.


    We're going to assume a general computer architecture, which differs slightly from most machines, but is exemplary of almost all uniprocessors.

    We'll assume that our machine has 8 general-purpose registers in the CPU. All are 4 bytes, and can be read or written by the user. The first five are named r0, r1, r2, r3, r4. The last three registers are special:

    Additionally, the computer has three read-only registers, which always contain the same values:

    Finally, the computer also has two special registers that the user cannot access directly:

    The instruction cycle

    The computer's operation consists of running instructions repetitively. This is known as the instruction cycle. The instruction cycle consists of 4 general phases: What is an instruction? Like everything else, it's a sequence of 0's and 1's. We're going to assume that all of our instructions are 32 bits (although that's a naive assumption, it will work for our purposes). Instructions are stored as part of a program's memory, and the instruction that is pointed to by the pc register is the one that gets loaded into the IR for execution.

    In other words, if the pc contains the value 0x2040, then the IR is executing the instruction contained in the 4 bytes starting at memory address 0x2040.

    Assembly code is a readable encoding of instructions. A program called an assembler converts assembly code into the proper 0's and 1's that compose the program. If you call gcc with the -S flag, it will produce a .s file containing the assembler for that C program. Without the -S flag, it produces the instructions directly.

    (Try it on a Linux machine -- it produces assembler that looks much more like this than Solaris machines).


    1. Memory <-> Register instructions:

           ld mem -> %reg        Load the value of the register from memory.
           st %reg -> mem        Store the value of the register into memory.
    There are a few ways to address memory:
           st %r0 -> i         Store the value of register r0 into the memory 
                               location of global variable i.
           st %r0 -> [r1]      Treat the value of register r1 as a pointer
                               to a memory location, and store the
                               value of r0 in that memory location.
           st %r0 -> [fp+4]    Treat the value of the frame pointer as a
                               pointer to a memory location, and store the
                               value of r0 in the memory location 4 bytes 
                               after that location.  You can use any value, 
                               positive or negative, not just 4.  
                               However, you cannot use a register (i.e. 
                               you can't do st %r0 -> [fp+r2]).
                               This only works with the frame pointer.  It does
                               not work with any other register.
           st %r0 -> [sp]--    Treat the value of register sp as a
                               pointer to a memory location, store the
                               value of r0 into that memory location, and then
                               subtract 4 to the value of sp.
           st %r0 -> ++[sp]    Treat the value of register sp as a
                               pointer to a memory location. First, add 4 to
                               that value, then store the
                               value of r0 into that memory location.

    2. Register <-> Register instructions:

           mov %reg -> %reg    Copy a register's value to another
           mov #val -> %reg    register, or set its value to a constant.
    All arithmetic goes from register to register:
           add %reg1, %reg2 -> %reg3   Add reg1 & reg2 and put the sum in reg3.
           sub %reg1, %reg2 -> %reg3   Subtract reg2 from reg1.
           mul %reg1, %reg2 -> %reg3   Multiply reg1 & reg2.
           idiv %reg1, %reg2 -> %reg3  Do integer division of reg2 into reg1.
           imod %reg1, %reg2 -> %reg3  Do reg1 mod reg2.
    There are two special instructions that let you perform addition and subtraction on the stack pointer:
           push %reg           This subtracts the value of stack pointer
           push #val           by value contained in reg or the constant defined in val.
           pop %reg            This adds the value of %reg or #val 
           pop #val            to the stack pointer.

    3. Control instructions

           jsr a	           Call the subroutine starting at instruction a.
           ret		   Return from a subroutine.
    There are also "compare" and "branch" instructions, which is how you implement for and if statements, but I won't go over them yet.

    Finally, there are also "directives" which are not really code, but specify that memory must be allocated for variables. For example:

           .globl i           Allocate 4 bytes in the globals segment
                              for the variable i.

    The program counter points to where the instruction register must go to load its value. On normal instructions, the pc is incremented by 4 so that the next instruction can be loaded. On control instructions, the pc gets a new value, allowing the machine to call subroutines, perform "if-then" statements, etc.

    The address space

    Each program's view of its memory is called an "address space". Typically an address space is broken up into 4 parts: The code, globals, heap, and stack. The code holds nothing but instructions. The globals is where global variables are stored, and the heap is where malloc'd storage lives. The stack is for temporary storage, like local variables and arguments for procedures.

    Generally, a process treats memory like a huge array of bytes, however, the bytes are organized logically into units of 4 bytes each, as that is the size of registers. We assume that this memory is of size 0x80000000 (this is hexidecimal). Some machines, like our sparcs, assume it is 0x100000000, but we'll assume the smaller size here. The code starts at address 0 (typically, at a higher address, but for simplicity, we'll say zero here). The globals follow the code, and the heap follows the globals. Note that as a program executes, the heap and stack might grow and shrink, but the code and globals stay the same size. The stack grows from back to front, starting at address 0x80000000 (actually, starting at 0x7fffffff), and growing towards the heap. In between the heap and stack is unused memory:

             The programs' address space:
             |--------------------------|<------- 0x00000000
             |                          |
             |          code            |
             |                          |
             |                          |
             |         globals          |
             |                          |
             |                          |
             |         heap             |
             |                          |
             |                          |
             |      (grows down)        |
             |                          |
                    Unused memory
             |                          |
             |      (grows up)          |
             |                          |
             |         stack            |
             |                          |
             |--------------------------|<------- 0x80000000

    Simple compiled code.

    The C compiler takes C code, and translates it into instructions. What we're doing in this and the following lectures is seeing how this translation works. The assembler code produced by the translation consists of machine instructions and directives. The translation is very logical. For example, the following code:

    int i;
    int j;
      i = 1;
      j = 2;
      j = i + j;
    Will compile into the following assembly code:
    	.globl i
    	.globl j
    	mov #1 -> %r0              / i = 1
    	st  %r0 -> i
    	mov #2  -> %r0             / j = 2
    	st  %r0 -> j
    	ld  i   -> %r0             / j = i + j
    	ld  j   -> %r1
    	add %r0,%r1  -> %r1
            st  %r1 -> j
    This code is pretty straightforward. Each instruction in C has a corresponding set of instructions in assembler. Unless your compiler is smart, it will produce inefficient code. For example, you can probably see that:
    	.globl i
    	.globl j
    	mov #1  -> %r0
    	mov #2  -> %r1
    	add %r0,%r1  -> %r1
            st  %r1 -> j
    	st  %r0 -> i
    would work just as well, and has fewer instructions. If you call gcc with the -O flag, it will attempt to optimize your code so that it has fewer instrcutions. However, normally, gcc simply produces straightforward, unoptimized code.

    Now, suppose instead that we had the following code to run:

      int i, j;
      i = 1;
      j = 2;
      j = i + j;
    Since i and j are local variables, they must come from temporary storage: The stack. How does the stack work? It is governed by the sp and fp registers. The sp and fp designate what is known as a "frame" on the stack. The fp points to the bottom of the frame, and the sp points to the top. All memory locations above (less than) the stack pointer are considered unused. Thus, we can get new temporary memory by decrementing the sp, thus putting memory locations into the current stack frame.

    For example, When a procedure is first called, these two registers point to the same place in the stack. The frame is considered empty.

        |     unused     | 
        |     unused     |  <------------- sp, fp
        |      used      | 
        |      used      | 
        |      used      | 
    			    <---------- Location 0x80000000
    To allocate room for the two local variables i and j, we decrement the stack pointer by 8. This allocates two 4-byte quantities in the current stack frame: By convention, we'll call the lower one j, and the upper one i. This is something that the compiler defines. We could just as easily have called the lower one i, and the upper one j:
        |     unused     |  <------------- sp
        |       i        | 
        |       j        |  <------------- fp
        |      used      | 
        |      used      | 
        |      used      | 
    			    <---------- Location 0x80000000
    Now, the code for main() is just like before, only instead of accessing i and j as global variables, we access them as offsets to the frame pointer.
    		push #8                  / This allocates i and j
    		mov #1   -> %r0 
    		st  %r0 -> [fp-4]        / Set i to 1
    		mov #2  -> %r0
    		st  %r0 -> [fp]          / Set j to 2
    		ld  [fp-4]  -> %r0
    		ld  [fp]    -> %r1
                    add %r0,%r1 -> %r1       / Add i and j and put the result
    		st  %r1 -> [fp]          / back into j
    Let's look at what happens when main() is executed:
        |                |             
        |                |              
        |                |               
        |                |                
        |                |                 
        |                |                  
        |                |                          registers            
        |                |                     |-----------------|
        |                |                     |                 | r0
        |                |                     |                 | r1
        |    .....       |                     |                 | r2
        |    unused      |                     |                 | r3
        |    unused      |                     |                 | r4
        |    unused      |        /----------- |                 | sp
        |    unused      | <------------------ |                 | fp
        |     used       |                     |    main         | pc
        |     ....       |                     |-----------------| 
        |--------------- |                    
    Note that the fp and sp point to the base of the empty stack frame. The pc points to the beginning of the main routine. This is the instruction "push #8". When this is done executing, we have the following:
              Stack                              registers
        |----------------|                     |-----------------|
        |                |                     |                 | r0
        |                |                     |                 | r1
        |    .....       |                     |                 | r2
        |    unused      |                     |                 | r3
        |    unused      | <---------------\   |                 | r4
        |       i        |                  \- |                 | sp
        |       j        | <------------------ |                 | fp
        |     used       |                     |    main + 4     | pc
        |     ....       |                     |-----------------| 
        |--------------- |                    
    Space has been allocated on the current stack frame for i and j, and the pc has been incremented. It now points to the instruction "mov 1 -> %r0" This puts the machine into the following state:
              Stack                              registers
        |----------------|                     |-----------------|
        |                |                     |       1         | r0
        |                |                     |                 | r1
        |    .....       |                     |                 | r2
        |    unused      |                     |                 | r3
        |    unused      | <---------------\   |                 | r4 
        |       i        |                  \- |                 | sp
        |       j        | <------------------ |                 | fp
        |     used       |                     |    main + 8     | pc
        |     ....       |                     |-----------------|
        |--------------- |
    Now, the pc points to "st %r0 -> [fp-4]". When this is done, the location for i is set to the value 1:
              Stack                              registers
        |----------------|                     |-----------------|
        |                |                     |       1         | r0
        |                |                     |                 | r1
        |    .....       |                     |                 | r2
        |    unused      |                     |                 | r3
        |    unused      | <---------------\   |                 | r4
        |       i=1      |                  \- |                 | sp
        |       j        | <------------------ |                 | fp
        |     used       |                     |    main + 12    | pc
        |     ....       |                     |-----------------|
        |--------------- |
    After the next two instructions, the state of the machine will be:
                mov 2   -> %r0
                st  %r0 -> [fp]        
              Stack                              registers
        |----------------|                     |-----------------|
        |                |                     |       2         | r0
        |                |                     |                 | r1
        |    .....       |                     |                 | r2
        |    unused      |                     |                 | r3
        |    unused      | <---------------\   |                 | r4
        |       i=1      |                  \- |                 | sp
        |       j=2      | <------------------ |                 | fp
        |     used       |                     |    main + 20    | pc
        |     ....       |                     |-----------------|
        |--------------- |
    Finally, the last 4 instructions do:
                ld  [fp-4]  -> %r0
                ld  [fp]    -> %r1
                add %r0,%r1 -> %r1    
                st  %r1     -> [fp]      
              Stack                              registers
        |----------------|                     |-----------------|
        |                |                     |       1         | r0
        |                |                     |       3         | r1
        |    .....       |                     |                 | r2
        |    unused      |                     |                 | r3
        |    unused      | <---------------\   |                 | r4
        |       i=1      |                  \- |                 | sp
        |       j=3      | <------------------ |                 | fp
        |     used       |                     |    main + 36    | pc
        |     ....       |                     |-----------------|
        |--------------- |

    Jassem -- The Visual Assembler

    To help you understand assembler, I have written a simple visual assembler that lets you load assembly code programs and step through them. It has been written in the graphical scripting language tcl/tk.

    You can get this file locally at /blugreen/homes/plank/cs360/bin/jassem.tcl, or on the web at http://www.cs.utk.edu/~plank/plank/classes/cs360/360/bin/jassem.tcl .

    The nice thing about tcl/tk is that it works on Unix, Windows, and Macintosh. To use jassem.tcl on our machines, simply run :

    UNIX> wish ~plank/cs360/bin/jassem.tcl
    Wish should be installed on all of our machines.

    To use jassem.tcl on a Windows or Macintosh machine, you will need to install tcl/tk. This is free -- get the code from www.scriptics.com.

    In running jassem.tcl, the first thing you do is load a program, such as p1-g.jas (the program above that adds global variables) or p1.jas (the program above that adds local variables). You should see a picture of the system -- stack, registers, globals and code, as below:

    Now you can step through the program, looking at everything as you go. Make sure you understand each step as you go through it. This is a very helpful tool.


    These questions came from a student in cs360 -- since I imagine many students might share these questions, I am broadcasting the answers to everyone.
    >1. Does the term uniprocessor mean that we have only one CPU, or is there 
    >   something else I should understand?
    That is correct -- one CPU (as opposed to a parallel processor that has many CPUs)
    >2. In the register <--> memory operation
    >                    st %r0 --> [r1]
    >   the notes said "... treat the value of register r1 as a pointer to a memory
    >   location ...". Except for the pc, fp and the sp do we ever know where in 
    >   memory a register is pointing ?
    You can assume that the pc points to the code, and the fp/sp both point to memory in the stack. Even these assumptions can be violated in some systems if you are doing complex stuff (I won't go into it). Otherwise, you cannot assume that a register is pointing to a specific memory segment. r1's pointer can point to the code, globals, heap or stack.
    >3. Does each process assume that the address space is 0x80000000 ? If this is
    >   the number of bytes it looks huge to me. I got exactly 2048Mb. The hydras,
    >   for example, have only 96Mb of RAM.
    >   I got 2048 by doing
    >                      8*(16^7)/(1024^2).
    >   Am I making any wrong assumptions ? Things don't seem right.
    Yes, the process assumes that memory is an array of 2 GB. However, it won't use all 2 GB. In particular, the addresses between the stack and heap are unused, and they compose the bulk of the address space. Even though a processor may have much less than 2 GB in RAM, the system is set up to look as though each process can access 2 GB. This is called "virtual memory", and is something that we'll learn about in CS560. In a few weeks, we'll see how your interface to memory is limited. In particular, usually your code and globals segment is smaller than a megabyte. On my machine, the OS does not allow the stack to grow larger than 8M or so, (type "limit" and look at "stacksize) and it does not allow the heap to grow too much larger than 96MB. If you don't believe me -- try it:

    This (test1.c) tests the heap:

    main(int argc, char **argv)
      char *s;
      s = (char *) malloc(atoi(argv[1]));
      if (s == NULL) { perror("malloc"); exit(1); }
      printf("malloc %d worked\n", atoi(argv[1]));
    (This is on hydra1a)
    UNIX> test1 90000000
    malloc 90000000 worked
    UNIX> test1 100000000
    malloc 100000000 worked
    UNIX> test1 110000000
    malloc: Not enough memory
    This (test2.c) tests the stack:
      char s[9000000];
      printf("s = 0x%x\n", s);
      printf("%d\n", *s);
    (again on hydra1a)
    UNIX> limit stacksize
    stacksize       8192 kbytes
    UNIX> test2
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)
    (If I change the 9000000 to 8000000, I get):
    UNIX> test2
    s = 0xef85da08