CS360 Lecture notes -- Malloc Lecture #1

  • Jim Plank
  • Directory: /blugreen/homes/plank/cs360/notes/Malloc1
  • Lecture notes: http://www.cs.utk.edu/~plank/plank/classes/cs360/360/notes/Malloc1/lecture.html
    Read the lecture before trying these programs. Unfortunately, the implementation of malloc() and free() on the cetus and hydra machines does not match my description 100 percent -- see this note on how to map one to the other.
    This is a lecture about sbrk() and malloc().

    Last class we went over some general memory stuff -- we learned that the last address in the code segment is &etext, and the last address in the globals segment is &end. As the program runs, and memory is allocated from the heap using malloc(), the heap grows. To figure out the boundary of the heap, we must use brk() or sbrk(). Both are system calls, and you can read their man pages. We will only discuss sbrk() as it is the only call you will need.

    caddr_t sbrk(int incr);
    A caddr_t is a "c address pointer". It is the same as a (char *) or a (void *).

    This specifies for the operating system to give incr more bytes to the heap. It returns a pointer to the end of the heap before sbrk() was called. Thus, the new end of the heap after an sbrk() call is at address

        sbrk(incr) + incr;
    If you call sbrk(0), then it returns the current end of the heap.

    Now, malloc() (and the related programs realloc() and calloc()) all call sbrk() to get the memory to allocate in the heap. They are the only routines that call sbrk(). Thus, the only way that you can get memory in the heap is through malloc() or sbrk(). However, you should use malloc(), as it is more efficient.

    Let's try it out. Look at fb2.c:
    #include < stdio.h >
    #include < sys/types.h >
      int *i1, *i2;
      printf("sbrk(0) before malloc(4): 0x%x\n", sbrk(0));
      i1 = (int *) malloc(4);
      printf("sbrk(0) after `i1 = (int *) malloc(4)': 0x%x\n", sbrk(0));
      i2 = (int *) malloc(4);
      printf("sbrk(0) after `i2 = (int *) malloc(4)': 0x%x\n", sbrk(0));
      printf("i1 = 0x%x, i2 = 0x%x\n", i1, i2);
    This prints sbrk(0) before and after some malloc() calls. Here's the result of running it on hydra3a.
    UNIX> fb2
    sbrk(0) before malloc(4): 0x21ab0
    sbrk(0) after `i1 = (int *) malloc(4)': 0x23ab0
    sbrk(0) after `i2 = (int *) malloc(4)': 0x23ab0
    i1 = 0x21ac0, i2 = 0x21ad0
    Note that sbrk() doesn't change after the malloc() calls. Why? Because malloc() does buffering. When it calls sbrk() it calls it with a large number -- something like 12K or 8K, and then it doles out memory from this buffer. In other words after i1 and i2 are allocated, there is still a whole bunch of memory -- from 0x0x21ad0 to 0x0x23ab0 that malloc() can use before calling sbrk() again. This is roughly 8160 bytes. Thus, in fb2a.c, when we do a malloc(8164) after allocating i1 and i2, we expect to see that sbrk() was called to get more memory, and indeed this is the case:
    UNIX> fb2a
    sbrk(0) before malloc(4): 0x21b68
    sbrk(0) after `i1 = (int *) malloc(4)': 0x23b68
    sbrk(0) after `i2 = (int *) malloc(4)': 0x23b68
    i1 = 0x21b78, i2 = 0x21b88, sbrk(0)-i2 = 8160
    sbrk(0) after `i3 = (int *) malloc(8164)': 0x25b68
    i3 = 0x21f78
    Now, look at fb3.c. This calls malloc(4) 10 times and prints out the memory allocated:
    #include < stdio.h >
      int j, *buf;
      for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
        buf = (int *) malloc(4);
        printf("malloc(4) returned 0x%x\n", buf);
    UNIX> fb3
    malloc(4) returned 0x219d0
    malloc(4) returned 0x219e0
    malloc(4) returned 0x219f0
    malloc(4) returned 0x21a00
    malloc(4) returned 0x21a10
    malloc(4) returned 0x21a20
    malloc(4) returned 0x21a30
    malloc(4) returned 0x21a40
    malloc(4) returned 0x21a50
    malloc(4) returned 0x21a60
    You'll note that each return value from malloc() is 16 bytes greater than the previous one. You might expect it to be only 4 bytes greater since it is only allocating 4 bytes. What is happening is that malloc() allocates some extra bytes each time it is called so that it can do bookkeeping. These extra bytes help out when free() is called. These extra bytes are often allocated before the returned memory. You'll see why when we start to look at free().

    Look at fb4.c. What this does is allocate a whole bunch of memory regions using malloc(), and then it prints out their starting addresses, and the values that are located one and two words (I use "word" to denote a 4-byte quantity) before the starting addresses. Again, this is the kind of code which (for good reason) most programmers deem as ``unsafe''. However, it's the only way to check out these things. As you can see, two words before the return value from malloc() contains how many bytes were actually allocated. This is a little confusing, so lets look at the output of fb4 in detail: (On different systems, malloc works in different ways. If the output on your system looks different from this, please see this note).

    UNIX> fb4
    sbrk(0) = 0x70f8
    Allocated 4 bytes.  buf = 0x61a8, buf[-1] = 0, buf[-2] = 16, buf[0] = 1000
    Allocated 8 bytes.  buf = 0x61b8, buf[-1] = 0, buf[-2] = 16, buf[0] = 1001
    Allocated 12 bytes.  buf = 0x61c8, buf[-1] = 0, buf[-2] = 24, buf[0] = 1002
    Allocated 16 bytes.  buf = 0x61e0, buf[-1] = 0, buf[-2] = 24, buf[0] = 1003
    Allocated 20 bytes.  buf = 0x61f8, buf[-1] = 0, buf[-2] = 32, buf[0] = 1004
    Allocated 24 bytes.  buf = 0x6218, buf[-1] = 0, buf[-2] = 32, buf[0] = 1005
    Allocated 28 bytes.  buf = 0x6238, buf[-1] = 0, buf[-2] = 40, buf[0] = 1006
    Allocated 100 bytes.  buf = 0x6260, buf[-1] = 0, buf[-2] = 112, buf[0] = 1007
    sbrk(0) = 0x70f8
    So, look at the heap after the first call to malloc(), and buf[0] is set to i = 1000:
             |      ...      | 
             |               |      
             |      16       | 0x61a0
             |               | 0x61a4     
             |     1000      | 0x61a8  <--------- return value
             |               | 0x61ac
             |               | 0x61b0
             |               | 0x61b4
             |      ...      |      
             |               |      
             |               |      
             |               |      
             |---------------| 0x70f8 (sbrk(0));
    Now, when malloc() is called a second time (buf = malloc(8)), malloc() returns 0x61b8. After buf[0] is set to i = 1001, the heap looks as follows:
             |      ...      | 
             |               |      
             |      16       | 0x61a0
             |               | 0x61a4     
             |     1000      | 0x61a8  
             |               | 0x61ac
             |      16       | 0x61b0
             |               | 0x61b4
             |     1001      | 0x61b8  <--------- return value
             |               | 0x61bc
             |               | 0x61c0
             |               | 0x61c4
             |      ...      |      
             |               |      
             |               |      
             |---------------| 0x70f8 (sbrk(0));
    And so on -- when the final sbrk(0) is called, the heap looks as follows:
             |      ...      |
             |               | 
             |      16       | 0x61a0
             |               | 0x61a4
             |     1000      | 0x61a8
             |               | 0x61ac
             |      16       | 0x61b0
             |               | 0x61b4
             |     1001      | 0x61b8 
             |               | 0x61bc
             |      24       | 0x61c0
             |               | 0x61c4
             |     1002      | 0x61c8 
             |               | 0x61cc
             |               | 0x61d0
             |               | 0x61d4
             |      24       | 0x61d8 
             |               | 0x61dc
             |     1003      | 0x61e0
             |               | 0x61e4
             |               | 0x61e8 
             |               | 0x61ec
             |      32       | 0x61f0
             |               | 0x61f4
             |     1004      | 0x61f8 
             |               | 0x61fc
             |               | 0x6200
             |               | 0x6204
             |               | 0x6208 
             |               | 0x620c
             |      32       | 0x6210
             |               | 0x6214
             |     1005      | 0x6218 
             |               | 0x621c
             |               | 0x6220
             |               | 0x6224
             |               | 0x6228 
             |               | 0x622c
             |      40       | 0x6230
             |               | 0x6234
             |     1006      | 0x6238 
             |               | 0x623c
             |               | 0x6240
             |               | 0x6244
             |               | 0x6248 
             |               | 0x624c
             |               | 0x6250
             |               | 0x6254
             |     112       | 0x6258 
             |               | 0x625c
             |     1007      | 0x6260
             |               | 0x6264
             |      ...      |
             |               |
             |               |
             |---------------| 0x70f8 (sbrk(0));
    So, malloc() calls sbrk() to get memory from the operating system into a buffer, and then it doles out the memory from that buffer as it is called. When it runs out of buffer space, it calls sbrk() to get more.

    Why do malloc(4) and malloc(8) allocate 16 bytes, and malloc(12) and malloc(16) allocate 24? Because malloc() pads out the memory allocated to multiples of 8 bytes. Thus malloc(4) and malloc(8) allocate 8 bytes for the user, plus an extra 8 bytes for bookkeeping. Malloc(12) and malloc(16) allocate 16 bytes for the user, plus an extra 8 bytes for bookkeeping for a total of 24 bytes. Malloc(100) allocates 104 bytes for the user, plus an extra 8 bytes for bookkeeping.

    Why does malloc() perform this padding? So that the addresses returned will be multiples of eight, and thus will be valid for pointers of any type. Suppose malloc() didn't do this, and instead could return any pointer. Then if you did the following:

      int *i;
      i = (int *) malloc(4);
      *i = 4;
    you might generate a bus error, because malloc() may return a value that is not a multiple of 4. As it is, malloc() returns multiples of eight, so that pointers to doubles and long integers (if the architecture supports them as 8-byte quantities) will not cause bus errors.

    How does malloc() know where to dole memory from? It uses a global variable or two. For example, it may have two global variables defined as follows:

    char *malloc_begin = NULL;
    char *malloc_end = NULL;
    When malloc() is called it first checks to see if malloc_begin == NULL. If so, it calls sbrk() to get a buffer. It uses malloc_begin and malloc_end to denote the beginning and end of that buffer. As malloc() gets called it doles out memory from the beginning of the buffer, and updates malloc_begin accordingly. If there is not enough room in the buffer, then sbrk() is called to get more buffer space, and malloc_end is incremented to denote the enlarged buffer.

    Now, this describes how to write a simple malloc() with no free() calls. When free() gets called, you should have malloc() be able to reuse that memory. This means that you have to do something more sophisticated with malloc(). We'll talk about it in Malloc lecture #2. Think about it in the meantime.

    Also, if you didn't read this note about differing implementations of malloc(), you should do so now.