CS452 -- Computer Graphics

Jian Huang

Final Project

The final project is a test of how well you can program using OpenGL and GLSL. Besides testing your programming skills, this is also a test of how well you have developed your code base over the course of the semester, as well as whether and how much you have mastered the design methodology we covered in class.

For this assignment, please continue to use the same set up as lab2 and lab3, only that the urls should now be [your-hash]/finalp.

The requirements are quite succinct: use GLSL shaders to render a scene with three objects, three effects and three shaders.

An intermediate deadline on April 21: everyone should email the design of your final project to the TA by 9pm on April 21. The TA and myself will review your design and help you tailor back the difficulty level if necessary. We anitipcate that some of you will need to change your design after April 21, and we expect to approve most the proposed changes. From this respect, the April 21 deadline is meant to increase the feasibility of your final project, as opposed to formally define the exact form of your project.

Early submission bonus points: students who have completed their final project and submitted by midnight of May 8 will receive 30% extra credit on the final project.