SeeGraph - Input Files

    SeeGraph needs only one file to run, but additional features will be unlocked with the presence of other data files. Below is a list of the tab-delimited files that can currently be used by SeeGraph.

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  • Weighted Edge List [*.wel] - currently the one and only file that's required (all others can be computed from this file) containing edge weight information.
           NumVerts          NumEdges
           VertexIName      VertexJName      WeightVitoVj...
  • Lower Triangular Matrix [*.ltm] - can be used instead of *.wel.
           NumVerts            NumEdges
           WeightV3toV1      WeightV3toV2...
  • Graph Vertex Layout [*.gvl] - file which contains a 3D position (as a short int [-32k,32k]), will be computed from input file if it doesn't already exist.
           Comment line (parameters used to compute the layout)
           NumVerts       NumEdges
           Vertex1          V1_X      V1_Y      V1_Z...
  • Database Features [*.txt] - floating point data associated with each of the vertices. If not available, query will be for vertex degree or ID if fully connected.
           NumRows       NumCols
           Row1Col1       Row1Col2       ...       Row1ColN...
           Row2Col1       Row2Col2       ...       Row2ColN...
  • Feature Map [*.map] - database index file which provides a mapping from vertex names in the *.wel file to the data order in *.txt file. If not available, query will be for either vertex degree or ID if fully connected.
  • Vertex Labels [*] - vertex names displayed on the graph when desired in same order as the *.map file. If not available, vertices will be named according to the *.wel file.
  • Block TriDiagonalization (BTD) Vector [*.btv] - used to compress the adjacency matrix along the diagonal for display and interaction. Entire array is processed in which all rows are permuted and then all columns. If not available, no BTD belt will be shown along the bottom.
           RowColI       RowColJ       RowColK