#include #include #include #include #include "bstree.hpp" using namespace std; using CS202::BSTree; using CS202::BSTNode; /* ---------------------------------------------- */ /* You'll write all of these as part of your lab. */ int BSTree::Depth(const string &key) const { (void) key; return -1; } int BSTree::Height() const { return -1; } vector BSTree::Ordered_Keys() const { vector rv; return rv; } BSTree::BSTree(const BSTree &t) { (void) t; } BSTree& BSTree::operator= (const BSTree &t) { (void) t; return *this; } int BSTree::recursive_find_height(const BSTNode *n) const { (void) n; return -1; } void BSTree::make_key_vector(const BSTNode *n, vector &v) const { (void) n; (void) v; } BSTNode *BSTree::make_balanced_tree(const vector &sorted_keys, const vector &vals, size_t first_index, size_t num_indices) const { (void) sorted_keys; (void) vals; (void) first_index; (void) num_indices; return NULL; }