CS302 Lecture Notes - Binary Search

Reference Material Online / Topcoder / Leetcode Problem(s)

What do you need to know for the exam?


Binary search is a very powerful problem-solving technique. The idea is simple. Given a collection of n items and problem to solve, you solve the problem by throwing away half of the items, and then solving the problem on the half that you have remaining.

I know that's a bit vague, but that's the general principle. The running time is straightforward, too: At each step of your problem, you're throwing away half of the items, so after log(n) steps, you'll be left with one item, and you're done.

That means your binary search is generally O(log n), which is smoking fast. I say "generally", because sometimes you need to do extra stuff during a step, and that can increase your overhead.

Conceptually Easy, But Typically Harder

When you go to implement a binary search, you'll find that your code is often buggy, and you need some inelegant edge conditions. That's normal, and you should be ready for it. The reason that I decided to teach binary search in CS302 (starting 2023) is that every time I had to do a binary search problem in Leetcode, it took extra attention to detail and extra testing. I have some helpful advice, I believe, in these lecture notes, but experience is always the best teacher.

A Canoncial Example

Here's a canonical example. The file txt/words.txt contains a dictionary of 24,853 words, all lower-case, sorted:
UNIX> wc txt/words.txt 
   24853   24853  205393 txt/words.txt           # There are 24,853 words
UNIX> head -n 5 txt/words.txt                    # It looks sorted from the beginning
UNIX> tail -n 5 txt/words.txt                    # And end
UNIX> sort txt/words.txt > tmp.txt               # We demonstrate that it is indeed sorted.
UNIX> diff txt/words.txt tmp.txt
Let's write a program, in src/dict_bsearch.cpp. It's a straightforward binary search -- please read the comments inline for explanation.

/* src/dict_bsearch.cpp.  This reads a dictionary of words from a file into a vector of strings.
   It sorts the vector, if not already sorted, and then it reads words from standard input
   It uses binary search to determine whether each of these words is in the dictionary. */

#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

class Bsearch {
    void Create(const string &filename);        // Create the vector from the file.
    bool Find(const string &word) const;        // Return whether a word is in the vector.
    vector <string> words;   

/* Create() is straightforward -- it reads each words into a vector, and while doing so,
   determines whether the vector is sorted.  If it is not, then it is sorted at the
   end of Create(). */

void Bsearch::Create(const string &filename)
  ifstream fin;
  bool sorted;
  string w;

  sorted = true;

  if (fin.fail()) throw (string) "Could not open " + filename;
  while (fin >> w) {
    if (words.size() > 0 && w < words[words.size()-1]) sorted = false;
  if (!sorted) sort(words.begin(), words.end());

/* Here's the binary search.  It keeps track of three variables:

   l = the index of the smallest word that we are considering.
   h = the index of the largest word that we are considering.
   m = the middle of l and h

   It iterates by looking at words[m], and using that value to either return,
   discard the lower half of elements or discard the higher half of elements.

bool Bsearch::Find(const string &word) const
  int l, h, m;

  if (words.size() == 0) return false;

  l = 0;                     // Initially, we consider the entire vector
  h = words.size() - 1;

  while (l <= h) {
    m = (l + h) / 2; 
    // printf("l:%d(%s)  m:%d(%s)  h:%d(%s)\n", 
    //          l, words[l].c_str(), m, words[m].c_str(), h, words[h].c_str());
    if (words[m] == word) return true;
    if (words[m] > word) h = m-1;     // Throw away the top half
    if (words[m] < word) l = m+1;     // Throw away the bottom half
  return false;


/* The main() is straightfoward -- create the dictionary from the file, then find each
   word on standard input. */

/* I'm not including it here in the lecture notes. */

Let's test by uncommenting the printf() statement inside Find(), and doing some small examples:

UNIX> wc txt/words-12.txt          # My dictionary has 12 words
      12      12      99 txt/words-12.txt
UNIX> cat txt/words-12.txt         

             # I'm going to find attention, debtor, efficient and hogan, which are all there:

UNIX> echo attention | bin/dict_bsearch txt/words-12.txt y
l:0(attention)  m:5(hogan)  h:11(woodpeck)
l:0(attention)  m:2(efficient)  h:4(highwaymen)
l:0(attention)  m:0(attention)  h:1(debtor)
attention: found
Found: 1 of 1

UNIX> echo debtor | bin/dict_bsearch txt/words-12.txt y
l:0(attention)  m:5(hogan)  h:11(woodpeck)
l:0(attention)  m:2(efficient)  h:4(highwaymen)
l:0(attention)  m:0(attention)  h:1(debtor)
l:1(debtor)  m:1(debtor)  h:1(debtor)
debtor: found
Found: 1 of 1

UNIX> echo efficient | bin/dict_bsearch txt/words-12.txt y
l:0(attention)  m:5(hogan)  h:11(woodpeck)
l:0(attention)  m:2(efficient)  h:4(highwaymen)
efficient: found
Found: 1 of 1

UNIX> echo hogan | bin/dict_bsearch txt/words-12.txt y
l:0(attention)  m:5(hogan)  h:11(woodpeck)
hogan: found
Found: 1 of 1

             # Now aaa, zzz and mmm, which are not there:

UNIX> echo aaa | bin/dict_bsearch txt/words-12.txt y
l:0(attention)  m:5(hogan)  h:11(woodpeck)
l:0(attention)  m:2(efficient)  h:4(highwaymen)
l:0(attention)  m:0(attention)  h:1(debtor)
aaa: not-found
Found: 0 of 1

UNIX> echo zzz | bin/dict_bsearch txt/words-12.txt y
l:0(attention)  m:5(hogan)  h:11(woodpeck)
l:6(moth)  m:8(salsify)  h:11(woodpeck)
l:9(stud)  m:10(wakeful)  h:11(woodpeck)
l:11(woodpeck)  m:11(woodpeck)  h:11(woodpeck)
zzz: not-found
Found: 0 of 1

UNIX> echo mmm | bin/dict_bsearch txt/words-12.txt y
l:0(attention)  m:5(hogan)  h:11(woodpeck)
l:6(moth)  m:8(salsify)  h:11(woodpeck)
l:6(moth)  m:6(moth)  h:7(rebutted)
mmm: not-found
Found: 0 of 1

It's a good idea to go over the examples above and look at the indices, to see how it hones the search space at each step. Let's look at a bigger example to see what happens when it tries to find "jjj" in txt/words.txt. I'm going to have that print statement print (h-l) at each step, so you can see how it roughly halves at each step:
UNIX> echo jjj | bin/dict_bsearch txt/words.txt y
h-l:24852 l:0(aaa)  m:12426(jewelry)  h:24852(zygote)
h-l:12425 l:12427(jewett)  m:18639(refractory)  h:24852(zygote)
h-l:6211 l:12427(jewett)  m:15532(nightfall)  h:18638(refractometer)
h-l:3104 l:12427(jewett)  m:13979(mambo)  h:15531(nightdress)
h-l:1551 l:12427(jewett)  m:13202(legendary)  h:13978(maltreat)
h-l:774 l:12427(jewett)  m:12814(knapsack)  h:13201(legend)
h-l:386 l:12427(jewett)  m:12620(kamchatka)  h:12813(knapp)
h-l:192 l:12427(jewett)  m:12523(joyous)  h:12619(kalmuk)
h-l:95 l:12427(jewett)  m:12474(johns)  h:12522(joyful)
h-l:46 l:12427(jewett)  m:12450(joanna)  h:12473(johnny)
h-l:22 l:12427(jewett)  m:12438(jimenez)  h:12449(joan)
h-l:10 l:12439(jimmie)  m:12444(jitterbug)  h:12449(joan)
h-l:4 l:12445(jitterbugger)  m:12447(jittery)  h:12449(joan)
h-l:1 l:12448(jive)  m:12448(jive)  h:12449(joan)
h-l:0 l:12449(joan)  m:12449(joan)  h:12449(joan)
jjj: not-found
Found: 0 of 1

How does binary search compare with sets and unordered sets?

If I asked you to write the program above without binary search, but instead using the standard template library, I hope you would consider the following: That argues for the unordered_set. Where does binary search fit it? Well, creating the vector is O(n) if it's sorted, and O(n log n) if it's not. And performing the Finds is O(m log n). In other words, identical to the set.

I have implemented the set and unordered_set code in src/dict_set.cpp and src/dict_uset.cpp respectively. To test, I have created txt/test.txt, which has 12,000 words from txt/words.txt, and 12,000 words that are not in txt/words.txt. Let's see how they compare:

UNIX> make clean
rm -f bin/*
UNIX> make bin/dict_bsearch bin/dict_set bin/dict_uset
g++ -o bin/dict_bsearch -Wall -Wextra -std=c++11 src/dict_bsearch.cpp
g++ -o bin/dict_set -Wall -Wextra -std=c++11 src/dict_set.cpp
g++ -o bin/dict_uset -Wall -Wextra -std=c++11 src/dict_uset.cpp
UNIX> time bin/dict_bsearch txt/words.txt < txt/test.txt n
Found: 12000 of 24000

real	0m0.151s
user	0m0.147s
sys	0m0.003s

UNIX> time bin/dict_set txt/words.txt < txt/test.txt n
Found: 12000 of 24000

real	0m0.226s
user	0m0.220s
sys	0m0.004s

UNIX> time bin/dict_uset txt/words.txt < txt/test.txt n
Found: 12000 of 24000
real	0m0.089s
user	0m0.084s
sys	0m0.003s

Predictably, the unordered_set was the fastest. The binary search is significantly faster than the set, even though they have the same big-O. Part of that is because we don't sort the words (they are already sorted), but the significant savings actually come from memory. The set uses a tree data structure, which has a lot of pointers and extra memory. The binary search simply uses the vector.

Keep that in mind.

Using start/size rather than low/high

Rather than using low/high (or left-right) indices, you can specify the part of the vector under review using: After spending quite a bit of time implementing binary searches using both types of information, I have concluded that I like keeping track of start and size better than low and high. The main reason is that so long as you make sure that size is greater than zero, then words[start] is always valid. I find that comforting. Here's the implementation of Find() using start/size. The code is in src/dict_bs_ss.cpp:

bool Bsearch::Find(const string &word) const
  int start, size, mid;

  start = 0;
  size = words.size();
  if (size == 0) return false;

  while (size > 1) {
    mid = start + size/2;

    /* I guess I like how this code translates logically: */

    if (words[mid] > word) {  /* If word is not in the second half... */
      size /= 2;              /* Discard the second half. */
    } else {
      start += size/2;        /* Otherwise discard the first half. */
      size -= size/2;         /* Note this handles even and odd sizes correctly. */
  return (words[start] == word);

It's faster than the previous code (it was about 0.151 rather than 0.114 here):

UNIX> time bin/dict_bs_ss txt/words.txt < txt/test.txt n
Found: 12000 of 24000

real	0m0.114s.
user	0m0.110s.
sys	0m0.003s
Plus it has another advantage of the previous code -- if the vector contains duplicates, this will always return the last of the duplicates.

Taking a look at that visually

I find this graphic really helpful when thinking about binary searches:

Your goal is to either eliminate the light blue region or the pink region. Sometimes that's pretty natural, as in the code above. Sometimes less so. The next section is an example.

Less obvious uses of binary search -- optimization

When you're trying to spot a binary search solution to a problem, see if you can frame the problem in the following way:

Let me define a function f(v) whose answer is "yes/no". Let's suppose that f(v) is O(n). Moreover, suppose that there is a value vopt, such athat for all v < vopt, f(v) is "yes", and for all v > vopt, f(v) is "no". Then we can use binary search on v to find vopt. The running time is going to be O(n log v).

A good example of this is Leetcode Medium problem #875: "Koko Eating Bananas". Here's the problem on Leetcode if you want to try it yourself: https://leetcode.com/problems/koko-eating-bananas/.

Here's a summary of the problem:

Let's work through the Leetcode examples: This is a typical topcoder/leetcode problem, because your first inclination is to think in terms how you break up the individual piles. However, resist that temptation. Instead, focus on the observations which point toward binary search:
  1. If you set k to zero, you'll never succeed.
  2. If you set k to the maximum pile size, you'll finish in exactly piles.size() timesteps. In other words, youll always succeed.
  3. If you have a value of k and you increase it, then the number of timesteps will stay the same or be reduced.
  4. If you have a value of k and you decreases it, then the number of timesteps will stay the same or be increased.
This gives you all of the conditions that you need for binary search. Let f(k) = "yes" if you can succeed with a value of k, and "no" if you cannot. You know that kopt. is going to be greater than zero and less than or equal to the maximum pile size. So use binary search to find kopt.

Here are the broad strokes:

It's actually a little more complex than that. Let's return to the picture above:

Suppose we set mid to start+size/2 and then we test to see mid is a successful value of k. If it is, then we can throw out all of the values greater than mid. That's not what we want. Instead, set mid to start+size/2-1 -- that's the last element in the blue region above. If it is successful, then we can throw out the pink region. If it's not, then we can throw out the blue region. That's just what we want!

If you want to work on this yourself, you can start with the skeleton program in src/Koko_Skeleton.cpp. This sets up a driver program and a skeleton (incorrect) implementation of the Leetcode method "minEatingSpeed". If we compile and run, it always returns zero:

UNIX> g++ src/Koko_Skeleton.cpp 
UNIX> echo 3 6 7 11    8 | ./a.out        # Example 1
UNIX> echo 30 11 23 4 20   5 | ./a.out    # Example 2
Below is the commented answer, using binary search. It's in src/Koko_Solution.cpp. Here's the minEatingSpeed method:

int Solution::minEatingSpeed(vector<int>& piles, int h)
  int start, size, maxpile, mid;
  int i;
  long long timesteps, for_pile;

  /* Calculate the maximum pile size. */

  maxpile = piles[0];
  for (i = 0; i < piles.size(); i++) if (piles[i] > maxpile) maxpile = piles[i];

  /* We want our range to start at one and end at maxpile (including maxpile).
     So we set start to 1 and size to maxpile.  Remember size means that start+size is one
     past the last element in our region. */

  start = 1;

  while (size > 1) {

    /* You want to test the highest value in the first half of the values (
       the last value in the blue region of the picture. */

    mid = start + size/2 - 1;
    /* Timesteps is the total timesteps if k is set to mid. */

    timesteps = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < piles.size(); i++) {
      for_pile = piles[i] / mid;
      if (piles[i]%mid != 0) for_pile++;
      timesteps += for_pile;

    // printf("Start: %d.  Size: %d  Mid: %d.  Timesteps: %lld\n", start, size, mid, timesteps);

    /* If timesteps is too big, then you know that the answer
       is in the second half of the range.  You can throw out the
       first half. */

    if (timesteps > h) {
      start += size/2;
      size -= size/2;      

    /* Otherwise, the answer is in the first half of the range, so toss out the second half. */

    } else {
      size = size/2;
  return start;

(If you care, that solution was pretty much smack at 50% in terms of speed on Leetcode).

Another Optimization Problem

This is Leetcode problem 2616: "Minimize the Maximum Difference of Pairs." Here's the link: https://leetcode.com/problems/minimize-the-maximum-difference-of-pairs/.

Here's my description:

Examples help. Let's use their example one:
nums = [10, 1, 2, 7, 1, 3 ]
p = 2
So we need to find two pairs and minimize the maximum difference within a pair. The answer here is 1 -- { (1, 1), (2, 3) }. The two differences are 0 and 1, so the maximum difference is 1. It's the best you can do, so that's the answer.

To formulate this as a binary search problem, let's define f(v) as follows:

It should be clear that there is a vopt here. Moreover, we know that there is a value of f for which f(v) is "yes" -- it's the maximum value of the vector.

So -- continuing with the problem formualation: If you can implement f(v) in O(n) time (where n is the size of the vector), then you can use binary search to findvopt.

So we need to implement f(v). To do that we can sort the vector, and the proceed greedily. Look at nums[0]. If (nums[1]-nums[0]) ≤ k, then we count it as a pair and move onto nums[2]. Otherwise, we ignore nums[0] and move onto nums[1]. You can prove to yourself that if there are p pairs, then this algorithm will find it. I won't do that formally, but you should give it some thought to convince yourself that this is true.

Let's code it up. The Leetcode class/method is:

class Solution {
    int minimizeMax(vector <int> &nums, int p);

In src/Min_The_Max_Skeleton.cpp I have a skeleton that reads in the array and p and then calls minimizeMax(). As always, it compiles and runs, but not correctly:

UNIX> make bin/Min_The_Max_Skeleton
g++ -o bin/Min_The_Max_Skeleton -Wall -Wextra -std=c++11 src/Min_The_Max_Skeleton.cpp
UNIX> echo 10 1 2 7 1 3  2 | bin/Min_The_Max_Skeleton 
We'll program incrementally. First, we'll write f(v), which returns whether you can find p pairs, each of whose difference is ≤ v. It's in src/Min_The_Max_Write_F.cpp:

class Solution {
    int minimizeMax(vector <int> &nums, int p);
    bool f(int v, const vector <int> &nums, int p);

/* f(v, nums, p) returns true if there are p pairs in nums whose differences is less than
   or equal to p. */

bool Solution::f(int v, const vector <int> &nums, int p)
  size_t i;
  int np;

  np = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < nums.size() && np < p; i++) {
    if (i < nums.size()-1 && nums[i+1] - nums[i] <= v) {
  return (np >= p);

/* This just lets us test f(). */

int Solution::minimizeMax(vector <int> &nums, int p)
  int i;

  sort(nums.begin(), nums.end());
  for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) printf("%d %s\n", i, (f(i, nums, p)) ? "yes" : "no");
  return 0;

Let's test using nums from the first example.

UNIX> make bin/Min_The_Max_Write_F
g++ -o bin/Min_The_Max_Write_F -Wall -Wextra -std=c++11 src/Min_The_Max_Write_F.cpp
bash: bin/Min_The_Max_Skeleton: No such file or directory
UNIX> echo 10 1 2 7 1 3  2 | bin/Min_The_Max_Write_F
0 no
1 yes    # This is the correct answer
2 yes
3 yes
4 yes
5 yes
6 yes
7 yes
8 yes
9 yes
UNIX> echo 10 1 2 7 1 3  3 | bin/Min_The_Max_Write_F
0 no
1 no
2 no
3 yes   # As is this -- (10,7), (1,2), (1,3) -- among other solutions
4 yes
5 yes
6 yes
7 yes
8 yes
9 yes
Now we write the binary search. Let's consult the picture -- should we test the last entry of the blue section, or the first entry of the pink section?

Well, if we test the last entry of the blue section, then a "yes" answer lets us discard the pink section, and a "no" answer lets us discard the blue section. That's what we want! Here's the code: (src/Min_The_Max_Solution.cpp)

int Solution::minimizeMax(vector <int> &nums, int p)
  size_t i;

  int middle;
  int max;
  int start, size;

  sort(nums.begin(), nums.end());

  /* Calculate the maximum value in nums. */
  max = nums[0];
  for (i = 1; i < nums.size(); i++) if (nums[i] > max) max = nums[i];

  start = 0;
  size = max+1;     // Since 0 is a valid answer, and we want size to be one past the
                    // highest valid answer, we set size to max + 1.

  while (size > 1) {
    middle = start + size/2 - 1;
    if (f(middle, nums, p)) {
      size = size/2;
    } else {
      start += size/2;
      size -= size/2;
  return start;