Array[0]'s location in memory is 0xbff344a8. Its value is 0x12345678 Array[1]'s location in memory is 0xbff344ac. Its value is 0x9abcdef0 Array[2]'s location in memory is 0xbff344b0. Its value is 0x13579bdf Array[3]'s location in memory is 0xbff344b4. Its value is 0x2468ace0 Viewing the values of array as bytes: Byte 0. Pointer: 0xbff344a8 - Value: 0x78 Byte 1. Pointer: 0xbff344a9 - Value: 0x56 Byte 2. Pointer: 0xbff344aa - Value: 0x34 Byte 3. Pointer: 0xbff344ab - Value: 0x12 Byte 4. Pointer: 0xbff344ac - Value: 0xf0 Byte 5. Pointer: 0xbff344ad - Value: 0xde Byte 6. Pointer: 0xbff344ae - Value: 0xbc Byte 7. Pointer: 0xbff344af - Value: 0x9a Byte 8. Pointer: 0xbff344b0 - Value: 0xdf Byte 9. Pointer: 0xbff344b1 - Value: 0x9b Byte 10. Pointer: 0xbff344b2 - Value: 0x57 Byte 11. Pointer: 0xbff344b3 - Value: 0x13 Byte 12. Pointer: 0xbff344b4 - Value: 0xe0 Byte 13. Pointer: 0xbff344b5 - Value: 0xac Byte 14. Pointer: 0xbff344b6 - Value: 0x68 Byte 15. Pointer: 0xbff344b7 - Value: 0x24 Setting the pointer ip to be one byte greater than array: (ip+0) is 0xbff344a9. *(ip+0) is 0xf0123456 (ip+1) is 0xbff344ad. *(ip+1) is 0xdf9abcde (ip+2) is 0xbff344b1. *(ip+2) is 0xe013579b (ip+3) is 0xbff344b5. *(ip+3) is 0x612468ac Finally printing the first four bytes of array as two shorts. Location: 0xbff344a8 - Value as a short: 0x5678 Location: 0xbff344aa - Value as a short: 0x1234