CS494 Lecture Notes - Shell Scripting


Since the beginning of time, shells have been an integral part of Unix. One of the earliest great features of Unix was the ability to compose programs using file descriptors, files and pipes, and shells are the basic interface into that functionality. Every few years, someone decides to write a new and "better" shell, so there has been an enormous balkanization of shells, which is quite unfortunate. A few of the shells worth noting are: There are many others. Whenever you install your favorite flavor of Unix on your favorite machine, you'll get whatever default shell was the favorite of whomever was in charge of that Unix distribution. It can be anything, and typically is some blending of features from the Bourne shell and the C shell, plus some additional bells and whistles.

Conflicting Goals?

Shells are used in two main ways:
  1. As an interactive command-line interpreter.
  2. As an interpreter for programs, typically called shell scripts.
Although these two usages have a lot of similarities, sometimes features for one usage get in the way of features for the other usage. When I was learning to program in Unix in earnest (graduate school - 1988), the prevailing wisdom was to use the C shell interactively, because it had nice features like command history, and to use the Bourne shell for scripting, because it was pared down to a small set of powerful features, and it was ubiquitous.

For years, that philosophy served me well. I was able to write shell scripts that worked on any flavor of Unix, because they all had the Bourne Shell in /bin/sh. I would use whatever default shell was on my machine (csh, tcsh, ztcsh, bash, etc) for interactivity, and it typically had whatever features I needed. However, when it came to scripts, I could trust that the Bourne Shell was there and would run my shell scripts correctly.

Around 2010, the Bourne shell started to disappear. Instead, /bin/sh was hard-linked to a backward compatible shell, typically Bash. I didn't notice this, because my shell scripts were all Bourne shell compatible, so they would work on any shell that was an extension of the Bourne shell. As life marched on, different system administrators linked /bin/sh to different backward compatible shells, to the point that when you run /bin/sh, you don't really know what shell you're getting. So long as you write nice Bourne shell scripts, you're good (kind of), but what has become of learning to write Bourne shell scripts? That has become increasingly difficult, because it's hard to know when you are writing Bourne shell compatible code.

Why am I prattling on about this? Because the current shell balkanization is a disaster for portability. If you write bash scripts, without knowing whether your script is a Bourne shell script, then you don't really have any assurances that your script will run on a different Bourne shell-compatible shell. And when the GNU foundation decides to change bash yet again, or when Apple decides to hard link /bin/sh to some other shell, all your scripts will break...

What I'll Teach Here

I'm teaching the Bourne shell as I know it. You can see the specs at https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/utilities/xcu_chap02.html. I hope that link doesn't go away. You can be reasonably assured that if your scripts adhere to those specs, you'll be good for Bourne shell compatibility.

Why Would I Want to Learn This When I Have Python?

That's not a bad question, to be honest with you. My answer is that it enables a workflow that allows you to write very powerful scripts that don't require you/others to port 80,000 software packages just to get the scripts working. So long as you are on any garden-variety Unix installation, your scripts should be good to go. It's also a good thing for you to learn about some of these "standard" Unix programs, which are very powerful when you compose them.

Basics: #!/bin/sh, echo, variables, comments, quoting

If you want your program to run under control of /bin/sh, then set the executable bit, and make the first line be "#!/bin/sh". You don't need to do that, by the way, because you can typically run your script by saying sh filename. When I give my shell scripts the ".sh" extension, I typically don't bother with the "#!/bin/sh" line -- the ".sh" extension tells you that you should be running the script with sh.

The script scripts/basic.sh shows some shell basics. I don't bother starting it with "#!/bin/sh", because I gave it the ".sh" extension. Go ahead and read the comments.

# This is a comment

i=Fred     # When you do variable assignment, you can't have any spaces.  Everything is a string.

echo $i    # You access a variable with the dollars sign.  
           # Echo prints its command line arguments to standard output.

j=Fred$i$i     # You can concatenate strings when there's nothing special about them (like spaces).
echo $j
echo $j i $i Jim Plank      # Everything's a string unless it uses special characters like $.

When we run it, everything is straightforward:

UNIX> sh scripts/basic.sh 
FredFredFred i Fred Jim Plank
When strings, and the mixture of strings and variables becomes more complex, you need to use quotes to help the shell figure out what you mean. You can use single quotes or double quotes to help you delineate strings and variables, and to put things like spaces and semi-colon into your strings. Rules of thumb with single and double quotes are: The shell script scripts/quotes.sh gives some quotation examples.

# These three lines show how you put a space, and quotes into a string:

i="Jim Plank"
j="It's Cold Outside"
k='He said, "Hey!"'

echo $i
echo $j
echo $k
echo ""               # Output a blank line.

# You expand variables inside double quotes, but put dollar signs in single quotes.

echo "$i"
echo '$i'
echo ""

# Mixing single and double quotes in a string is a pain

echo 'But she said, "You aren'"'t being polite!!"'"'

# Sometimes it looks a little less confusing to use variables to clean it up:

yabp="You aren't being polite!!"
echo But she said, $dq$yabp$dq

Here's the output:

UNIX> sh scripts/quotes.sh
Jim Plank
It's Cold Outside
He said, "Hey!"

Jim Plank

But she said, "You aren't being polite!!"
But she said, "You aren't being polite!!"

Redirection and Pipes

You should be pretty familiar with shell redirection from your other classes. If not, please give the beginning of http://web.eecs.utk.edu/~jplank/plank/classes/cs360/360/notes/Sh/lecture.html a read.

I assume you're familiar with pipes, too. What you may not be familiar with are the standard Unix programs that are so powerful when you use pipes. These are:

One of the nice things about this suite of tools is that most of them use the same regular expression syntax and substitution syntax, which is the same as vi as well. So, learning that syntax increases your ability to do things.

Here's an example -- suppose I want to reverse the lines of the file in files/input-1.txt. Here we go -- I'll demonstrate command by command:

UNIX> cat files/input-1.txt                                   # Here's the file
Emma Fur
Cameron Transliterate
Kate Clasp
Olivia Digit
Nathan Martinique
UNIX> cat -n files/input-1.txt                                # Prepend with the line number
     1	Emma Fur
     2	Cameron Transliterate
     3	Kate Clasp
     4	Olivia Digit
     5	Nathan Martinique
UNIX> cat -n files/input-1.txt | sort -nr                     # Sort in reverse order, by number (that's -n)
     5	Nathan Martinique
     4	Olivia Digit
     3	Kate Clasp
     2	Cameron Transliterate
     1	Emma Fur
UNIX> cat -n files/input-1.txt | sort -nr | sed 's/.......//' # Strip out the initial 7 characters on each line
Nathan Martinique
Olivia Digit
Kate Clasp
Cameron Transliterate
Emma Fur
Inside a shell script, if you end a line with '|' or '\', then it will continue the command on the next line. Otherwise, commands are executed line by line.

Combining commands: semi-colon and ()

Besides pipes, there are two other ways that the shell lets you combine commands. First is the semi-colon -- this allows you to combine multiple commands on one line.

In and of itself, this is not very exciting. However, it becomes more powerful when you combine it with parentheses. With parentheses, you combine multiple commands and execute them in a sub-shell. For example, suppose I have two files:


Suppose I want to create a new file that has two words per line -- line 1 has line 1's from both files, then line 2 has line 2's from both files, etc. Try on scripts/merge_p12.sh for size:

( sed 's/^/A /' files/program-1-timings.txt | cat -n ;    # put line-number-tab-A in front of each line
  sed 's/^/B /' files/program-2-timings.txt | cat -n ) |  # put line-number-tab-B in front of each line
  sort |                                                  # Sorting will do 1-tab-A, 1-tab-B, 2-tab-A, 2-tab-B, etc.
  awk '{ printf " %s", $3 ; if ($2 == "B") print "" }'    # Print each word, and then a newline after every second word.

We execute the first two lines in a subshell so that both sets of commands go to standard output, and are sorted by the sort command. We then use awk to print the third word on each line, and then a newline on the lines whose second words are "B". Powerful, no?

UNIX> sh scripts/merge_p12.sh
 0.19953 0.03814
 0.24622 0.21831
 0.24946 0.26013
 0.29696 0.29111
 0.31996 0.64541
 0.33349 0.67802
 0.36809 0.70485
 0.65309 0.79115
 0.73067 0.91172
 0.75717 0.96959

Filename expansion: * and ?

You can type any string into the shell, but certain characters are special (like '>', '<', '|', etc). You should already know about the star -- this expands as a wildcard to match any filename. E.g. ``echo *'' echos all filenames in the current directory.
UNIX> ls
files		index.html	scripts
UNIX> echo *
files index.html scripts
The question mark is a wild card that will match any one character.

Environment Variables

We've seen variables above. There are some variables, like $HOME, and $USER, which are set already ($HOME is your home directory, and $USER is your username). Some can change -- for example, $PWD will contain your current working directory:
UNIX> echo $PWD
sh-4.2$ cd bin
UNIX> echo $PWD
UNIX> echo $HOME
UNIX> echo $USER
If you set a variable in a shell script, and you then export it, then it will be an environment variable in any program that you launch from the shell. Here's an example, of launching a program that accesses the variable i without exporting it first, and then again when we do export it. The program is in scripts/set_environment.sh:

echo "Setting i to 5, and then launching a second shell that prints $i.  It won't print anything."
echo 'echo $i' | sh

echo "If we export i, then the second shell will print i."
export i
echo 'echo $i' | sh

When we run it, we see that the second launch has i in its environment:

UNIX> sh scripts/set_environment.sh
Setting i to 5, and then launching a second shell that prints .  It won't print anything.

If we export i, then the second shell will print i.

The all-powerful backquote

If you evaluate a command inside backquotes, then it does the following: Examples:
UNIX> cat files/input-1.txt
Emma Fur
Cameron Transliterate
Kate Clasp
Olivia Digit
Nathan Martinique
UNIX> echo `cat files/input-1.txt`
Emma Fur Cameron Transliterate Kate Clasp Olivia Digit Nathan Martinique
UNIX> c=`cat files/input-1.txt`
UNIX> echo $c
Emma Fur Cameron Transliterate Kate Clasp Olivia Digit Nathan Martinique
UNIX> b=`grep n files/input-1.txt | wc | awk '{ print $1 }'`        # How many lines contain the character n?
UNIX> echo $b

Simple arithmetic with variables

You can do simple arithmetic by surrounding the statement with "$((" and ))". Take a look at scripts/arithmetic.sh:

# Arithmetic on its own

echo $((1+1))

# Arithmetic with environment variables

echo ""
echo $b

# Floating point doesn't work.  Sorry -- you have to use awk:

echo ""
echo $b $c | awk '{ print $1 - $2 }'

UNIX> sh scripts/arithmetic.sh



if, for and while constructs

When you use if, for or while, they actually execute a program and evaluate the exit code. If the exit code is 0, then the statement evalutes to true. Otherwise it evaluates to false.

The syntax of if is as follows:

if  program-whose-exit-code-will-be-evaluated

For example, I have a program in src/exitcode.cpp, which simply reads an integer on standard input, and then returns it. We'll use it to test if:

UNIX> if echo 0 | bin/exitcode
> then
> echo "True"
> else
> echo "False"
> fi
UNIX> if echo 1 | bin/exitcode; then echo "True"; else echo "False"; fi
As you can see, in the second command, I used semi-colons judiciously to put it all on one line.

When you enclose an expression in square brackets, it executes the test program on it. Read the man page on test -- it's got a lot of convenient features, and can be used on integers, strings, and files/directories:

UNIX> if [ -f index.html ]; then echo "index.html exists"; fi
index.html exists
UNIX> if [ `ls | wc | awk '{ print $1 }'` -gt 4 ]; then echo "More than 4 files"; fi
More than 4 files
You can do simple loops with while -- you end it with done:
UNIX> b=0
UNIX> while [ $b -lt 5 ]; do
> echo b is $b
> b=$(($b+1))
> done
b is 0
b is 1
b is 2
b is 3
b is 4
And you use for to run through space-separated lists of things:
UNIX> b=`ls`
UNIX> echo $b
bin files index.html makefile scripts src
UNIX> for i in $b ; do
> echo $i
> done

The command line

You can get at command-line variables with the number of the variable preceded by a dollar sign. You can get the number of command line variables with "$#" and you can get the entire command line with "$*". You can see these in action in scripts/command-line.sh


echo "# Command line arguments: $n"

echo "Arg 1 is $1"

echo "The whole command line is $*"

UNIX> sh scripts/command-line.sh 0 1 2 3 4 5
# Command line arguments: 6
Arg 1 is 0
The whole command line is 0 1 2 3 4 5
UNIX> sh scripts/command-line.sh 
# Command line arguments: 0
Arg 1 is 
The whole command line is 
UNIX> sh scripts/command-line.sh "Are you ready" Freddie'?'
# Command line arguments: 2
Arg 1 is Are you ready            # The double quotes put the spaces into a single argument.
The whole command line is Are you ready Freddie?
You can use the shift command to shift the command line arguments by one -- this deletes argument 1, and then turnes argument 2 into 1, 3 into 2, etc. That also changes $* and $#. Here is scripts/shift.sh:

while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
  echo "Number of arguments: $#.   Argument 1 is $1."

UNIX> sh scripts/shift.sh 0 1 2
Number of arguments: 3.   Argument 1 is 0.
Number of arguments: 2.   Argument 1 is 1.
Number of arguments: 1.   Argument 1 is 2.
UNIX> sh scripts/shift.sh One, Two, "Buckle My Shoe"
Number of arguments: 3.   Argument 1 is One,.
Number of arguments: 2.   Argument 1 is Two,.
Number of arguments: 1.   Argument 1 is Buckle My Shoe.
UNIX> sh scripts/shift.sh `echo One, Two, "Buckle My Shoe"`
Number of arguments: 5.   Argument 1 is One,.
Number of arguments: 4.   Argument 1 is Two,.
Number of arguments: 3.   Argument 1 is Buckle.
Number of arguments: 2.   Argument 1 is My.
Number of arguments: 1.   Argument 1 is Shoe.
Finally, you can use set to "set" the command line, and if you don't specify "in" in your for loops, it will traverse the command line. Here is scripts/for_set.sh:

a=1                  # Traverse the command line printing arguments
for i do
  echo "Argument $a: $i"

set `ls`             # Traverse the output of ls, printing files
for i do
  echo "File $a: $i"

UNIX> sh scripts/for_set.sh 0 1 2
Argument 1: 0
Argument 2: 1
Argument 3: 2
File 1: bin
File 2: files
File 3: index.html
File 4: makefile
File 5: scripts
File 6: src

read and '<<'

You can read variables from standard input using read. It returns 0 on success and 1 on failure. It works on a line basis -- try scripts/read.sh:

while read a ; do
  echo $a

UNIX> echo 1 2 3 4 | sh scripts/read.sh                            # It reads all of the line into a
1 2 3 4
UNIX> ( echo 1 ; echo 2 ; echo 3 ; echo 4 ) | sh scripts/read.sh   # This does one at a time.
UNIX> echo fred | sh scripts/read.sh
Finally, using '<< EOF' allows you to put standard input to a command into your shell script. It will stop when it sees EOF. I use this most often when I have to use ed to do fancier editing than I can do with sed. Here's an example in scripts/duplicate.sh. You can read it to see what it does:

# Error check that you have two arguments

if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
  echo 'usage: duplicate f1 f2 - makes two copies of f1 into f2 using ed' >&2
  exit 1

# Error check that the first file exists.  
# Note the use of double-quotes in case the filename has a space in it.
if [ ! -f "$1" ]; then
  echo "$1 doesn't exist"
  exit 1
# Copy the first file to the second, then use ed to duplicate all of the lines.
# The "EOF" ends the input to ed.  You need to backslash the dollars signs, because
# the shell will attempt to do variable substitution if you don't.

cp "$1" "$2"
ed -s "$2" << EOF         # -s makes ed not print out diagnostics

Here we call it on files/input-1.txt:

UNIX> cat files/input-1.txt
Emma Fur
Cameron Transliterate
Kate Clasp
Olivia Digit
Nathan Martinique
UNIX> sh scripts/duplicate.sh
usage: duplicate f1 f2 - makes two copies of f1 into f2 using ed
UNIX> sh scripts/duplicate.sh files/input-1.txt tmp.txt
UNIX> cat tmp.txt
Emma Fur
Cameron Transliterate
Kate Clasp
Olivia Digit
Nathan Martinique
Emma Fur
Cameron Transliterate
Kate Clasp
Olivia Digit
Nathan Martinique
UNIX> rm tmp.txt
Here's a second example that illustrates putting a variable inside the ed program. The script is in scripts/substitute.sh:

# Error check that you have three arguments

if [ $# -ne 3 ]; then
  echo 'usage: substitute p1 p2 f - substitutes all instances of p1 with p2 in the file f using ed' >&2
  exit 1

# Error check that the file exists.  
# Note the use of double-quotes in case the filename has a space in it.
if [ ! -f "$3" ]; then
  echo "$3 doesn't exist"
  exit 1
# Use ed to do the pattern substitution with the environment variables $1 and $2

ed -s "$3" << EOF

As you can see, you put a backslash in front of '$' when you want an actual '$'. Otherwise, it treats the '$' as denoting a variable (or in this case, command line arguments).

Here it is in use:

UNIX> cat files/input-2.txt 
Victoria Bedbug PhD
Victoria Incredible
Victoria Abigail Expire
Victoria Childish
Elizabeth Victoria Lookup
Victoria Moo
UNIX> sh scripts/substitute.sh
usage: substitute p1 p2 f - substitutes all instances of p1 with p2 in the file f using ed
UNIX> cp files/input-2.txt tmp
UNIX> sh scripts/substitute.sh Victoria Peach tmp   # Substitute "Peach" for "Victoria"
UNIX> cat tmp
Peach Bedbug PhD
Peach Incredible
Peach Abigail Expire
Peach Childish
Elizabeth Peach Lookup
Peach Moo
UNIX> sh scripts/substitute.sh '.*' Fred tmp   # Change every line to "Fred"
UNIX> cat tmp