Lumpia Roll Appetizers (Recipe with Pictures)

This recipe cropped up while I was searching the web, looking for appetizers for our Christmas Party. It's by "DiB", and was found at It received great comments, so we tried it out at a small gathering, and it was a hit! So we made over 500 of them for the Christmas party, which was quite a bit of work. It helps to have two people working at the same time.

Regardless, here's the recipe (makes roughly 50). Note also -- no oil or fat -- these are pretty healthy!


For the rolls

For the Dipping Sauce

The Ingredients.


For The Rolls:

Preheat the oven to 450.

Chop the ingredients that need chopping (a chopper, or food processor can help), then mix together the ground pork, carrots, onions, water chestnuts, bamboo shoots, garlic, ginger, soy sauce and black pepper. Use your hands -- gross, no? Wash them when you're done (duh....). There should not be excess liquid.

Thor mixes 5 batches with his hands. Yum.

Beat the egg in a bowl.

For ease of cleaning later, I line the cookie sheet(s) with aluminum foil and then spray with olive oil/cooking spray. It will work without this step, but not well, and it will make a mess.

Now, fill a cookie sheet with wonton wrappers, and put a cigar-sized roll of the filling in the center of each wrapper. Now, smear a little egg on the top of each wrapper, and roll it up, sealing with the egg. Arrange the rolls, seam down, on a separate cookie sheet. Do not have the rolls touch. Continue this process until you fill a cookie sheet (I got 26-30 rolls on a sheet).

Now bake for 10 minutes at 450, turn them over, and then bake for another 10 minutes. They are ready! Repeat with the rest.

When you turn them, there will be liquid in the bottom of the cookie sheet. However, when they are done, there will be no liquid.

If you don't eat them right away, you can store them in the fridge or freeze them. If you freeze them, let them thaw completely, then reheat at 450 for 10 minutes. Do not turn.

The beaten egg.

Suzy puts the filling into the wrappers;

Then smears the egg;

Then rolls. Our most efficient mode was to have Suzy filing, and me smearing, rolling, sealing and cooking. I must have fallen behind here...

The rolls after the first ten minutes of cooking.

After turning.

And after the final 10 minutes.

200 rolls or so, cooling on wax paper.

For The Dipping Sauce:

In a 3-quart saucepan, mix together the brown sigar, vinegar and soy cauce. Stir over high heat until the sugar dissolves. Mix the cornstarch & /water, add to the sugar mixture and stir until mixture boils. Remove from heat and stir in the ginger. This makes 2/3 cup and you can double it.

The sugar dissolves.

About to dump the cornstarch/water mixtures.

All done!