SRM 610, D2, 250-Pointer (DivideByZero)

James S. Plank

Sat Jan 18 09:54:26 EST 2014
Modified: Mon Oct 18 21:15:06 EDT 2021

In case Topcoder's servers are down

Here is a summary of the problem:

The examples

 #  |    N                        |  Answer
--- | --------------------------- | -------
 0  | { 9, 2 }                    | 3: You'll add 9/2 = 4, but then you're done.
 1  | { 8, 2 }                    | 3: Ditto.
 2  | { 50 }                      | 1: There are no pairs of elements.
 3  | { 1, 5, 8, 30, 15, 4 }      | 11: You'll add 2, 3, 6, 7 and 10.
 4  | { 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 }  | 7: You're already done.
 5  | { 6, 2, 18 }                | 7: You'll add 1, 3, 4 and 9.

Testing yourself

Like the Cryptography Problem, I have a shell script, that you can use to test your program. When you run, your answer should be identical to answers.txt.


This one tripped up many of the Topcoder contestants -- See if you can do better!

The constraints of this problem state that N only holds numbers between 1 and 1,000, and N.size() is ≤ 1,000. Since (a div b) is always going to be less than a, the numbers in N will always be between 1 and 1,000. That puts some constraints on input that we can leverage. In particular, if our solution is O(N.size()2), it will be fast enough.

Here's a solution that comes to mind -- keep two collections of numbers: those that you have processed (call it P -- it will be a vector), and the vector N. You can also maintain a vector, which we'll call T, that tells us in O(1) time whether a number is in v. It will contain 1,001 booleans, and T[i] is true if i is in N. It is false otherwise.

Now do the following:

Let's illustrate this with Example 0, where numbers is { 9, 2 }. Below is the initial state of the three vectors (we only show the first 12 elements of T, because all of the higher ones will always be false. Also, in the pictures, 1 is true and 0 is false):

Now, run through N with an integer i. When i = 0, n = 9. We want to run through P, but P is empty, so we're done with n -- we add it to P:

Next, i = 1 and n = 2. We run through P and there is one element: p = 9. Since p is bigger than n, we set k = (p div n) = 4. We check to see if T[4] = 0, which it does, so we set T[4] = 1 and add 4 to N:

At this point, we're done with P, so we add n to P:

Finally, we continue with i = 2 and n = 4. We run through P: When p = 9, k = 2, and since T[2] equals 1, we ignore k. Similarly, when p = 2, k also equals 2, and since T[2] equals 1, we ignore k again. At this point, we're done with P, so we add n to P:

Now, we're done with N, so we return the size of P, which is three. As you can see, when we're done, P and N will be identical, so we could simply return the size of N.

Let's think about the running time of this algorithm. Suppose there end up being n elements of N. Then our checking loop runs O(n2) times. Inside the loop we do an "if", a division, a check of T[j], potentially a push_back() to N and setting T[j] to true, and a push_back() to P. All of those are O(1). So our program is O(n2). With n capped at 1,000, this is fast enough for topcoder.

Now think about the choice of data structure for T. Because the values of v are limited to ≤ 1000, we can make T a vector of size 1,001, and checking to see whether a value is in N is O(1).

Suppose T were instead a set. Then checking would be O(log n), and our program would run in O(n2log n).

And finally, suppose that we didn't use T at all, but instead used N. Then checking would be O(n), and our program would be O(n3). As always, our choice of data structure is very important!