SRM 733, D1, 250-Pointer (MinimizeAbsoluteDifferenceDiv1)

James S. Plank

Tue Aug 21 17:57:10 EDT 2018

This seems way too easy, doesn't it? Call next_permutation, calculate the value and you're done. Whenever a topcoder problem seems too easy, you should ask yourself, "what can go wrong?"

Well, here, the one thing that can go wrong is roundoff error. Take a look at the following C++ program:

#include <cstdio>
using namespace std;

int main()
  printf("%.20lf\n", 9995.0/10000.0 - 9994.0/10000.0);
  printf("%.20lf\n", 9995.0/10000.0 - 9996.0/10000.0);
  return 0;

Those two values should be the same, but when you run the program, you see roundoff error:

UNIX> a.out
How can you avoid the roundoff error? For each expression, calculate its numerator and denominator as long long's. Keep track of the best numerator/denominator pair. How do you do that? Test whether
new_numerator / new_denominator - best_numerator / best_denominator
is less than zero. You'll have to do that without floating point again.

It's pretty clear that this is a really easy program, so the challenge here was avoiding the floating point pitfall, and as you see above, nearly half of the programmers did not avoid the pitfall!