Leetcode.com problem 2477: Minimum Fuel Cost to Report to the Capital

James S. Plank

Wed Apr 12 00:07:04 EDT 2023

In case Leetcode's servers are down

You are to solve this with the method minimumFuelCost of the class Solution:

class Solution {
    long long minimumFuelCost(vector <vector <int> > &roads, int seats);


There are other examples in the examples directory.

The driver program

The program in Skeleton.cpp and Solution.cpp reads all of the edges, plus the number of seats, from standard input. Here are the first two examples:
UNIX> g++ Solution.cpp
UNIX> echo 0 1 0 2 0 3   5 | ./a.out
UNIX> echo 3 1 3 2 1 0 0 4 0 5 4 6   2 | ./a.out


The first order of business is to turn these into trees that are useful for processing. Since our goal is for everyone to get to node zero, it makes sense for node zero to be the root of the tree. Let's redraw examples 1 and 2 so that node zero is the root -- I'll make these drawings nicer than ASCII art:

Example 1:

Example 2:

How does this help us? Well, let's keep the following pieces of information with each node:

Here are the two example trees with this information (each node stores [n,f]).

Example 1:

Example 2:

The answer is the value of f for node 0.

You can calculate these values of n and f by doing a postorder traversal from node 0. For each node, you visit the node's children. Then you use the n and f values of each of the children, combined with the number of seats in the cars, to calculate the node's values of n and f.

I won't go through it more than that. I will give two extra hints though:

Extra Hint 1

You may wonder how to represent the tree. What I did was create a vector of children for each node. This vector includes all of a node's children, plus its parent. So, for the first example:

Node 0: Children 1, 2, 3.
Node 1: Children 0
Node 2: Children 0
Node 3: Children 0

And for the second example:

Node 0: Children 1, 4, 5.
Node 1: Children 0, 3
Node 2: Children 3
Node 3: Children 1, 2
Node 4: Children 0, 6
Node 5: Children 0
Node 6: Children 4

When you implement the method for the postorder traversal, include the parent of the node as a parameter. That way, the node can skip its parent when it is visiting its children.

Extra Hint 2

If you have r representatives and s seats in a car, how many cars does it take? When I'm confronted with a problem like this, I simply use examples. Here, let's use s=3. Then:
1, 2 or 3 representatives: 1 car.
4, 5 or 6 representatives: 2 cars.
7, 8 or 9 representatives: 3 cars.
Can you now derive a simple formula for the number of cars, given r and s?