Leetcode.com problem 120: "Triangle"

James S. Plank

Thu Jun 16 11:20:17 AM EDT 2022

This is a nice and straightforward Dynamic Programming problem. One of the things I like about it is that "step 4" of dynamic programming, as described in the CS302 Lecture Notes on Dynamic Programming answers the "follow up" question on the Leetcode writeup.

Let's walk through the four steps:

Step 1: Spot the recursion

Let's suppose you want to find the answer for triangle[i][j]. If i is the last row of triangle, then you're done -- the answer is triangle[i][j].

If i is not the last row, then you recursively solve the problem on triangle[i+1][j] and triangle[i+1][j+1]. Fortunately, because of the "triangle" nature of the vector, you are guaranteed that both of these always exist. You add the minimum of your recursive calls, add it to triangle[i][j], and that's your answer. Easy enough. Code for this answer is in step-1.cpp.

Step 2: Memoize

If you submit your step 1 answer, you'll fail with a "Time Limit Exceeded", because your calls will exponentially blow up. Add a cache. My cash was a vector of vectors just like triangle. One challenge is what to put into the cache to denote an empty entry? -1 won't do, because that's a legal value for your answer. Look at the problem's constraints -- values in triangle are between -10,000 and 10,000 and the maximum size of triangle is 200. So any answer will be between -200*10,000 and 200*10,000. Simply choose your "empty" value to be an integer outside that range.

This implementation works and is "accepted" by leetcode, but you can do better from a time and space perspective. The leetcode evaluation for this answer was that it was faster than only 5.68% of C++ implementations, and smaller than only 34.40%.

Code for this answer is in step-2.cpp.

Step 3: Remove the recursion

Since your recursion always goes to higher values of i, you remove the recursion by calculating the cache, starting with the highest value of i and decrementing. When I submitted that to leetcode, it sped me up so that I was faster than 33.91% of C++ answers, but it used more space. Why more space? Probably because I'm calling push_back() to create my cache instead of resizing.

Code for this answer is in step-3.cpp.

Step 4: Reduce the size of the cache

When you look at your solution for step 3, you'll notice that you only ever use two rows of the cache, so you can reduce the cache size to two rows, and use modular arithmetic (always take i or i+1 mod 2).

Can you do better? Yes! When you're calculating cache[i][j], you'll note that you need cache[i+1][j] and cache[i+1][j+1]. When you're done, you won't ever need cache[i+1][j] again. That means that you only need one row in your cache!

If this were an interview question, you'll note that both the one-row and the two-row solutions are valid answers to the "follow up". Both caches are O(n) -- remember that 2n is O(n).

In the code below, I don't bother with a separate cache -- I simply use the last row of triangle, so there should be almost no extra space requirement! Yep -- faster than 56% and smaller than 98.37%!

Code for this answer is in step-4.cpp.