ECE 522 – Power Systems Analysis II

University of Tennessee

Spring 2021 

Instructor: Kai Sun

Copyright Statement

The instructor of this class owns the copyright to the syllabus, presentations, assignments, quizzes, and exams associated with the class. If you would like to use or share any of course materials for any purpose not related to the course, please contact me for a permission to avoid a violation of the copyright law and the University of Tennessee’s policy No. IT0110 on acceptable use of information technology resources.


Course Texts/Materials/Resources



ECE 421 (Electric Energy Systems), ECE 422 (Power System Operations & Planning)


Course Description

This course will teach fundamentals on power system modeling, dynamics, stability and control, introduce the methods and tools for planning and operating a modern power grid to meet reliability criteria under disturbances. There will be moderate work on coding in MATLAB or using professional power system software for power system studies. Students are also required to review literature on recommended topics to gain deeper insight on emerging techniques for power systems analysis.


Course Objectives 
Upon completion of this course, every student should have gained: 

·         An in-depth understanding of basic approaches to modeling of power system dynamics under disturbances,

·         A broad familiarity with analytical methods, engineering criteria and control measures for power system stability problems, and

·         Knowledge in emerging issues and techniques in planning and operating modern interconnected power systems.


Course Outline

·         Part 0: Introduction of modern power systems

o   Power and energy resources

o   Overview of modern power system operations and planning (NERC reliability guidelines)

o   Classification and definitions of power system stability
(slides; homework #1)


·         Part I: Power system modeling

o    Modeling on synchronous machines (Park’s transformation; equivalent circuits; classic and detailed models; equations of motion)
(slides; homework #2; homework #3)

o    Modeling on loads (static and dynamic load models; acquisition of model parameters)


·         Part II: Power system control

o    Modeling on frequency regulation and control (governing systems; AGC)
(slides; homework #4)

o    Modeling on voltage regulation and control (excitation systems; var compensation)
(slides; homework #5)


·         Part III: Power system stability

o    Small-signal stability (power oscillation in interconnected systems; power system stabilizer)
(slides; homework #6)

o    Transient stability (direct methods; numerical methods)
(slides; homework #7)

o    Voltage stability (voltage collapse; analysis methods and mitigation measures)
(slides; homework #8)


Course Requirements



Homework:                  20% 

Quizzes:                       20% 

Course project:             20%

Exams (2):                    40% (20% each)

Total                            100% (+ 1-2% in-class participation)