CS 462 -- Parallel Programming --- Fall 2015

The final exam in this class will be held at 8am-10am on Tuesday, Dec 8 in Min Kao 403 (the classroom).
Registrar's calendar is here.

The description of the first semester project is available here. The project is due on Oct 26.

Slides and example OpenMP code from Dr. George Bosilca's guest lectures are availble at http://icl.cs.utk.edu/~bosilca/classes.html#cs462-2015

The description of the second semester project is available here. The project is due on Dec 1.

Instructor: Micah Beck
Office: Min Kao 433
Office Hours: TBD and by appt.
Email: mbeck@utk.edu


Course Syllabus

This syllabus is based on the contents of the book and is subject to change.
  1. Motivation and History
  2. Parallel Architectures
  3. Parallel Algorithm Design
  4. Message Passing Programming (MPI)
  5. Prime Sieve
  6. Floyd's Algorithm
  7. Shared Memory Programming (OpenMP)
  8. Monte Carlo Methods
  9. Combinatorial Search

Reading Assignments

All reading assignments refer to Quinn's "Parallel Programming".

9/1Chapters 1 and 2
9/15Chapter 3
9/17Chapter 4
9/22Chapter 5
9/29Chapter 6
10/13Chapter 8
10/20Chapter 17
11/10Chapter 10
11/16Chapter 9
11/24Chapter 16

Newton Cluster Accounts

All students should apply for a Newton cluster account at this URL: https://newton.utk.edu/manager/ .

Homework Assignments

Homework Assignments will be discussed in class and students may get specific feedback on their answers upon request to Dr. Beck.
9/28 Chapter 3, Problems 3.12-3.19 in Quinn
10/7 Chapter 5, Problems 5.6-5.10 in Quinn
10/19 Chapter 6, Problems 6.9-6.13 in Quinn
Study Problems Chapter 10, Problems 10.5 in Quinn

Course Grading

10%(Homework) + 30%(Project) + 60%(MAX[Midterm, Final])