ECE 453/553 -- Computer Networks --- Spring 2022
Instructor: Micah Beck
Office: Min Kao 433
Office Hours: Request an appointment by email.
Class Time: 2:15-3:05 pm MWF
Classroom: MKB 524
TA Office Hours: TBA
TA Office: Make an appointment by email.
TA email: TBA
Course Curriculum
We will use Version 6.1 of this book available for free download from
Title: Computer Networks: A Systems Approach
Authors: Larry Peterson and Bruce Davie
Copyright: Elsevier, 2012
License: CC BY 4.0
Reading Assignments
Date |
Assignment |
1/31 |
Peterson & Davie Sec. 2.1-2.4
2/14 |
Peterson & Davie Sec. 2.5-2.6
2/21 |
Peterson & Davie Sec. 3.1-3.2
2/28 |
Peterson & Davie Sec. 3.3
3/11 |
Peterson & Davie Sec. 3.4
3/23 |
Peterson & Davie Sec. 4.1
3/28 |
Peterson & Davie Sec. 5.1-5.2
4/18 |
Peterson & Davie Sec. 6.3
4/22 |
Peterson & Davie Sec. 4.3
4/25 |
Peterson & Davie Sec. 9.4
An Interview With the Inventor of the Spanning Tree Protocol
Radia Perlman is an American computer programmer often described as the 'Mother of the Internet' for her invention of the spanning-tree protocol.
End-to-End Arguments in System Design
Saltzer, Reed and Clark were the MIT researchers that collaborated with UCLA's Cerf and Kahn in the design of the Internet Protocol Stack. This paper presents the point of view that grew out of their experiencer with the MULTICS operating system project.
Some recent papers on Network Architecture
"On The Hourglass Model"
Micah Beck
Communications of the ACM, July 2019, Vol. 62 No. 7, Pages 48-57.
Interview with Dr. Beck. |
Tutorial on Network Port Address Translation
Course Requirements and Grading
- There will be a midterm exam and a final exam.
- Homework will be assigned on a regular basis.
The final course grade will be calculated as
10%(H) + 50%(M') + 40%(F)
- H = homework grade
- M' = MAX(final exam grade, midterm grade)
- F = final exam grade
For example, a student who scores 70 on midterm 1, 84 on the final, and 75 on the homework will have an overall score of
10%(75) + 50%(MAX(84, 70)) + 40%(84) = 83.10
The intention of this grading scheme is that students have two chances to show their mastery of the material covered in the midterm: on the midterm and on the cummulative final.
The 90% of the course grade that is awarded on the basis of exams is available to every student at the time they take the final.
While it is possible for a student to skip the midterm exams and rely solely onn the homework and final for their course grade, students are strongly advised against this approach.
Here are some reasons for this advice:
- Taking the midterm exam is a no-risk proposition: it can only improve a student's final course grade.
- The midterm is more focused, and so it should be easier to study the material covered deeply and get a good grade.
- There is less presure on students when taking midterm than during the final exam period.
- Taking the midterm is the best preparation for the final exam.