/* * CS460: Operating Systems * Jim Plank / Rich Wolski * dphil_6.c -- Dining philosophers solution #6 -- a starvation-free solution using a global queue. */ #include #include #include "dphil.h" #include "dllist.h" #include "jval.h" #define THINKING 0 #define HUNGRY 1 #define EATING 2 typedef struct { pthread_mutex_t *mon; pthread_cond_t **cv; int *state; Dllist q; int phil_count; } Phil; /* It is assumed that you have locked pp->mon */ test_queue(Phil *pp) { int id; int phil_count; phil_count = pp->phil_count; if (!dll_empty(pp->q)) { id = pp->q->flink->val.i; if (pp->state[(id+1)%phil_count] != EATING && pp->state[(id+(phil_count-1))%phil_count] != EATING) { pthread_cond_signal(pp->cv[id]); } } } /* If the queue is empty and your neighbors are not eating, then go ahead and eat. Otherwise, put yourself on the queue and wait */ void pickup(Phil_struct *ps) { Phil *pp; int phil_count; pp = (Phil *) ps->v; phil_count = pp->phil_count; pthread_mutex_lock(pp->mon); if (dll_empty(pp->q) && pp->state[(ps->id+(phil_count-1))%phil_count] != EATING && pp->state[(ps->id+1)%phil_count] != EATING) { pp->state[ps->id] = EATING; } else { dll_append(pp->q, new_jval_i(ps->id)); pthread_cond_wait(pp->cv[ps->id], pp->mon); dll_delete_node(pp->q->flink); pp->state[ps->id] = EATING; test_queue(pp); } pthread_mutex_unlock(pp->mon); } /* Set state to thinking and then signal the first person on the queue if they can eat */ void putdown(Phil_struct *ps) { Phil *pp; pp = (Phil *) ps->v; pthread_mutex_lock(pp->mon); pp->state[ps->id] = THINKING; test_queue(pp); pthread_mutex_unlock(pp->mon); } void *initialize_v(int phil_count) { Phil *pp; int i; pp = (Phil *) malloc(sizeof(Phil)); pp->phil_count = phil_count; pp->mon = (pthread_mutex_t *) malloc(sizeof(pthread_mutex_t)); pp->cv = (pthread_cond_t **) malloc(sizeof(pthread_cond_t *)*phil_count); if (pp->cv == NULL) { perror("malloc"); exit(1); } pp->state = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)*phil_count); if (pp->state == NULL) { perror("malloc"); exit(1); } pthread_mutex_init(pp->mon, NULL); pp->q = new_dllist(); for (i = 0; i < phil_count; i++) { pp->cv[i] = (pthread_cond_t *) malloc(sizeof(pthread_cond_t)); pthread_cond_init(pp->cv[i], NULL); pp->state[i] = THINKING; } return (void *) pp; }