U-Machine Simulator

The U-machine is a computer architecture oriented toward general-purpose analog and digital parallel computation in new technologies, such as those emerging from nanotechnology.  Most of the computation is implemented by means of matrix multiplication and the application of simple functions to the matrix elements.  This simulator will be used as part of the U-Machine Research Project in order to test alternative ways of solving problems on the U-machine and to investigate its accuracy and robustness in the face of failures, noise, manufacturing defects, etc.

The U-Machine Simulator has to perform three basic functions:
  1. Input the simulation parameters (matrix dimensions, input files, etc.)
  2. Simulate the operation of the machine for a specified number of cycles or until a specified condition occurs.
  3. Output the data files generated by simulated U-machine program.

For the input phase, the simulator reads a file of simple textual commands (like a command-line interpreter), although a graphical user interface would be an acceptable alternative.  As a result, the simulator defines a number of matrices in its internal memory, reads input data files, etc.  While it is simulating the operation of the machine, it performs matrix multiplications and other matrix operations by means of standard library procedures (e.g., from LINPACK, ScaLAPACK, etc.).  Therefore, you will not need to program any of the matrix operations yourself.  The simulator is also able to dump and load its matrices to disk so that they can be carried over from one simulation run to another.

For more information on this project, please send me mail or make an appointment to discuss it.

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Last updated: 2007-01-05.