PapiEx Version: 0.99rc1 Executable: /bin/ls Processor: Intel Pentium 4 Model 3 Clockrate: 3391.614990 Parent Process ID: 15958 Process ID: 23910 Hostname: Options: MEMORY Start: Mon Aug 22 15:54:46 2005 Finish: Mon Aug 22 15:54:46 2005 Domain: User Real usecs: 817 Real cycles: 2748756 Proc usecs: 812 Proc cycles: 2743120 PAPI_TOT_CYC: 694170 PAPI_FP_OPS: 9004 Mem. Size: 13624 Mem. Resident: 1164 Mem. Shared: 13148 Mem. Text: 77 Mem. Library: 1715 Mem. Heap: 444 Mem. Locked: 0 Mem. Stack: 32 Event descriptions: Event: PAPI_TOT_CYC Derived: No Short Description: Total cycles Long Description: Total cycles Developer's Notes: Event: PAPI_FP_OPS Derived: Yes Short Description: FP operations Long Description: Floating point operations Developer's Notes: PAPI_FP_OPS counts retired x87 and scalar_DP SSE uops tagged with 1.