CS302 -- Lab 3 -- Manipulating MIDI

This Long Lab Writeup

This is a very long lab writeup. We will go over it in class or lab. Please read it thoroughly, and play around with hand-editing the files before you start writing code.

What you submit

You will submit your cs302-midi.cpp file. You may not modify cs302-midi-base.cpp or cs302-midi.h in any way. The TA will compile your cs302-midi.cpp with my cs302-midi-base.cpp and cs302-midi.h.

There is a makefile in the lab directory. If you copy cs302-midi.cpp, cs302-midi-base.cpp and cs302-midi.h and the makefile from the lab directory, then you should be able to compile with make, and then start editing cs302-midi.cpp to do the lab.

Introduction: MIDI

MIDI stands for "Musical Instrument Digital Interface". It is a bit of an overloaded term, so I'll try to give it a succinct explanation here. If you want more, there's tons of text about MIDI on Wikipedia.

MIDI is a standard for representing and manipulating note-based music on computers. Most electronic instruments, notably keyboards, have MIDI output ports which emit events in a specific format whenever the instruments are played. These events are emitted in real-time, so that a computer may record them, manipulate them, etc.

There is a file format called Standard MIDI File (SMF) Format, which records a MIDI performance. These files contain MIDI events that an instrument would emit, plus timing information about when the various events occur. A MIDI player will play these events back, using some sort of sound synthesizer.

Most web browsers support SMF files. For example, bach_565.mid contains a rather tepid performance of Bach's famous D minor Toccata and Fugue (BWV 565) (taken from http://users1.ee.net/lstone/midi.htm). The file rockytop.mid contains a more familiar tune. When you click on these links, your web browser should play the MIDI files. If your computer has a nice expensive sound card, this will sound pretty good. If it has a janky one like mine, it will sound kinda lame. So it goes.

The SMF format is far too detailed for this lab. Instead, we're only going to concern ourselves with a limited subset of SMF, and we'll use two different representations that are easy to edit and manipulate. MIDI files contain tracks, each of which is a different instrument. A MIDI player will play all of the tracks simultaneously, which can make for a good performance. We are only going to concentrate on MIDI files with a single track.

These MIDI files contain linear streams of events. We will only handle four of these events:

We are going to handle two representations of MIDI files. You may read their specifications in the following links:

  1. Event Files: In these you specify events in a linear stream, where each event contains the duration between it and the previous event.

  2. Note Files: In these, you specify note events and damper pedal events. A note event is represented by a pitch, volume, start time and stop time. Thus, it stores two MIDI events -- an ON and an OFF event. A damper pedal event is represented by a start and stop time. Like a note, it stores two MIDI events -- a DAMPER DOWN and a DAMPER UP event.

    Unlike Event files, Note files are not a linear stream of events -- since each event has a start and a stop time, events may be specified in any order.

Again, read the specification files for more information and for simple example files that illustrate their use. You should go ahead and hand-edit some of these files and convert them to MIDI to reinforce your understanding of MIDI.

The program mconvert converts Midi-Event Files to and from Midi-Note Files:

mconvert inputfile outputfile E|N

The inputfile can be either a Midi-Event-File or a Midi-Note-File. The format of the outputfile is either an Event file (if the last argument is E) or a Note file (if the last argument is N).


Take a look at cs302-midi.h

#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <list>
using namespace std;

class ND {
    int key;          // 'N' for Note, or 'D' for Damper
    int pitch;        // Ignored by 'D'
    int volume;       // Ignored by 'D'
    double start;
    double stop;    

class Event {
     int key;         // 'O':ON, 'F':OFF, 'D':DAMPER, 
     int time;
     int v1;          // Pitch for O/F, 1 for D:DOWN, 0 for D:UP
     int v2;          // Volume for O.  Ignored for everything else.

typedef multimap <double, ND *> NDMap;
typedef list <Event *> EventList;

class CS302_Midi {
    CS302_Midi(string file);
    void Write(string file, char format);   // 'E' for Event, 'N' for Note
    void Add_Pause(double starttime, double duration);
    void Scale(double factor);
    void destroy_nd();
    void destroy_el();
    void nd_to_el();
    void el_to_nd();
    EventList *el;
    NDMap *nd;

This defines a class called CS302_Midi, which lets you read, manipulate and write both representations of Midi files. The constructor takes a filename and creates an instance of the class from the file. The file can be in either format (the first word in the file defines the format). There is a destructor method, which is necessary because the constructor makes new calls. Additionally, there is a Write() method, which writes out the class instance in either format.

There are two other public functions -- Add_Pause() adds a pause to the file at the given start time and duration (both in seconds). Scale() scales the speed of the file -- for example, scaling by 2 will make it play twice as fast, and scaling by .5 will make it play half as fast.

There are four protected methods and two protected variables. Let's start with the variables:

Two of the private methods are straightforward: destroy_el() deletes el, making sure to delete every Event in the list. destroy_nd() delete nd, making sure to delete every ND in the multimap. These are called by the destructor, and also by Add_Pause() and Scale().

The last two methods are the tricky methods: el_to_nd() creates the multimap nd from the event list el. Conversely, nd_to_el() creates the event list el from the multimap nd. These are called by the constructor -- if the constructor reads a Midi-Event-File, it creates el from the file and then creates nd using el_to_nd(). Conversely, if the constructor reads a Midi-Note-File, it creates nd from the file and then creates el using nd_to_el().

Thus, when the constructor is done, both el and nd are initialized to represent the same MIDI file. This makes it easy to write Write() -- it uses el to create the Midi-Event-File output and it uses nd to create the Midi-Note-File output.

Your Job

The entire CS302_Midi class has been implemented for you, with the exception of these last two methods. Additionally, there are two programs mconvert.cpp and midi_tester.cpp, which test the implementation.

Your job is to implement the two unimplemented methods.

The implementations that I provide for you are in cs302-midi-base.cpp. The remaining two methods are given a skeleton implementation in cs302-midi.cpp. This means that you can copy them to your directory along with the makefile and they will compile:

UNIX> make clean
rm -f *.o midi_tester mconvert  core
UNIX> make
g++ -c midi_tester.cpp
g++ -c cs302-midi-base.cpp
g++ -c cs302-midi.cpp
g++ -o midi_tester midi_tester.o cs302-midi-base.o cs302-midi.o
g++ -c mconvert.cpp
g++ -o mconvert mconvert.o cs302-midi-base.o cs302-midi.o
First, let's consider mconvert. This reads a file and then writes a file. If we write a file of the same type, this version will work. For example:
UNIX> mconvert C-Major-MEF.txt tmp.txt E
UNIX> cat tmp.txt
ON 0 60 64
ON 0 64 64
ON 0 67 64
OFF 480 60
OFF 0 64
OFF 0 67
UNIX> mconvert C-Major-MNF.txt tmp.txt N
UNIX> cat tmp.txt
NOTE 60 64 0 1
NOTE 64 64 0 1
NOTE 67 64 0 1
The first call works because reading C-Major-MEF.txt reads all the events into el in the constructor. The constructor also calls el_to_nd(), but that doesn't do anything. However, when we write the file with format E, it write out el, which works fine.

Similarly, when we read C-Major-MNF.txt, the constructor creates the nd multimap. It also calls nd_to_el(), but that doesn't do anything. When we print using format N, that traverses nd and prints out all the notes.

If we try to read a MEF file and print it with format N, the resulting file will be empty, because el_to_nd() has no implementation. Similarly, if we try to read a MNF file and print it with format E, the resulting file will be empty:

UNIX> mconvert C-Major-MEF.txt tmp.txt N
UNIX> cat tmp.txt
UNIX> mconvert C-Major-MNF.txt tmp.txt E
UNIX> cat tmp.txt
At this point, make sure you have understood everything. Make sure you try the above examples, and perhaps some others. Read the implementation of the Write() method and the constructor method so that you know how el and nd work.

Your first implementation: nd_to_el()

First, implement nd_to_el(). It is the easier of the two methods. It should traverse the nd multimap and create ON/OFF/DAMPER DOWN/DAMPER UP/ events (of type Event *) from them. Think about how you should implement this. You'll need some temporary data structures. You also need to worry about what happens when multiple events occur at the same time. For example, look at Two-Repeat-MNF.txt:

NOTE 60 65 0 1
NOTE 60 60 1 2

The first note ends at time 1, and the second note begins at time 1. You would not want this file to convert to the following MEF file:

ON 0 60 65
ON 480 60 60
OFF 0 60 
OFF 480 60 

Why? Because you would not have an OFF event corresponding to the first ON event until the note is played a second time. Instead, you want Two-Repeat-MNF.txt to convert to:

ON 0 60 65
OFF 480 60 
ON 0 60 60
OFF 480 60 

So, here is what you should do in nd_to_el():

Your second implementation: el_to_nd()

The method el_to_nd() is harder. You are going to need a vector of 128 (ND *)'s. Initialize them all to NULL. Then, when you see an ON event, you will create a ND for it, set its start time and put it into the vector, indexed by pitch. When you see an OFF event, you will use the ND in the vector, set its stop time, and insert it into nd. Similarly, you should have a (ND *) for the damper pedal, which you create when you encounter a DAMPER DOWN event, and which you finish and insert into the map when you encounter a DAMPER UP event. At the end of traversing el, you should double-check the vector and the damper variable and make sure that there are no notes that have ON events that are not finished with corresponding OFF events.

There is some additional error checking that you should do. I will not grade you on it. However, you should be able to catch the following errors when you write el_to_nd():

When you are done with el_to_nd() and nd_to_el() the programs mconvert and midi_tester should work with complete functionality.


There are working executables for mconvert and midi_tester, as well as a cs302-midi.o that contains working implementations of el_to_nd() and nd_to_el(). When it doubt, make sure that your programs work like these. Again, I will not grade you on how your programs error check, so don't stress about the output format.

Also, the gradescript makes use of two programs: event-file-grader and note-file-grader. These take two Event and Note files respectively and print out if they differ. The note-file-grader ignores the order of note specifications in the input files -- it simply makes sure that both files have the same notes.

The event-file-grader is a little more detailed. It partitions the events into "on" events (NOTE-ON and DAMPER DOWN) and "off" events (NOTE-OFF and DAMPER UP). If events of the same type occur simultaneously, then they may occur in any order. For example, the following Midi-Event-Files are equivalent, although not identical, because:

ON 0 60 65
ON 0 54 55

OFF 480 60 
OFF 0 54 
ON 5 54 55
ON 0 60 65

OFF 480 54 
OFF 0 60 

However, the following are not, since you can't reorder "on" and "off" events relative to each other, even though they happen at the "same time:"

ON 0 60 65

OFF 0 60

ON 0 60 65

OFF 5 60


If you get inspired

If you get inspired to create some neat MIDI files, I'd love to see them -- when you're done, feel free to email me MEF or MNF files that you have created. If I like them, I'll post them with the lab for future years to see.

A Final Word

I know that this is a brutal lab writeup. It is long, and I'm guessing it may take the entire lab session to read and understand. This is part of computer science -- understanding specifications, conventions, and formats, and working within those constraints. Take it slow, and try to understand the lab material piece by piece. It should be a rewarding lab!

Piazza Q & A