Here are some example mazes with their graphical representations:
m1.txtROWS 4 COLS 3 |
m2.txtROWS 5 COLS 5 WALL 0 5 WALL 1 6 WALL 2 7 WALL 3 8 WALL 9 14 WALL 8 13 WALL 7 12 WALL 6 11 WALL 10 11 WALL 15 16 WALL 21 22 WALL 16 17 WALL 12 13 WALL 17 18 WALL 23 24 WALL 18 19 |
m3.txtROWS 3 COLS 4 WALL 7 11 WALL 10 9 WALL 1 0 WALL 1 2 WALL 5 9 WALL 6 2 |
m4.txtROWS 2 COLS 5 WALL 1 6 WALL 2 7 WALL 3 8 |
m5.txtROWS 2 COLS 5 WALL 0 5 WALL 1 6 WALL 2 7 WALL 3 8 WALL 4 9 |
Observe a few things about mazes. First, they don't have to have any walls. They do not have to have unique paths through the maze (like m4.txt), and they don't have to have any paths at all (like m5.txt). As you can see from m2.txt, the walls may be specified in any order. And there is no line formatting -- just words in order.
You are to read in a maze file, turn it into a graph, and use depth-first search to find a path through the graph from cell 0 to cell rc-1. As output, you should output the maze in the same format as the input, and you should include "PATH" and an index of each cell that belongs in the path. The "PATH" statements should specify the path in the proper order. For example:
UNIX> maze_solve < m1.txt ROWS 4 COLS 3 PATH 0 PATH 3 PATH 6 PATH 9 PATH 10 PATH 11 UNIX> maze_solve < m2.txt ROWS 5 COLS 5 WALL 0 5 WALL 1 6 WALL 2 7 WALL 3 8 WALL 6 11 WALL 7 12 WALL 8 13 WALL 9 14 WALL 10 11 WALL 12 13 WALL 15 16 WALL 16 17 WALL 17 18 WALL 18 19 WALL 21 22 WALL 23 24 PATH 0 PATH 1 PATH 2 PATH 3 PATH 4 PATH 9 PATH 8 PATH 7 PATH 6 PATH 5 PATH 10 PATH 15 PATH 20 PATH 21 PATH 16 PATH 11 PATH 12 PATH 17 PATH 22 PATH 23 PATH 18 PATH 13 PATH 14 PATH 19 PATH 24 UNIX> maze_solve < m3.txt ROWS 3 COLS 4 WALL 0 1 WALL 1 2 WALL 2 6 WALL 5 9 WALL 7 11 WALL 9 10 PATH 0 PATH 4 PATH 5 PATH 6 PATH 10 PATH 11 UNIX> maze_solve < m5.txt ROWS 2 COLS 5 WALL 0 5 WALL 1 6 WALL 2 7 WALL 3 8 WALL 4 9 UNIX>The output specification of the maze does not have to be the exact same as the input specification, nor does it have to be in any order. It must represent the same maze though.
If there are multiple paths through the maze, your program only has to find one of them. It doesn't have to be the shortest path. If there is no path, then no path should be specified.
Don't worry about error-checking your input files.
Since PPM files are big, you can use convert to skip making a PPM file. For example:
UNIX> maze_solve < m1.txt | maze_ppm 11 | convert - m1s.jpg UNIX> maze_solve < m2.txt | maze_ppm 11 | convert - m2s.jpg UNIX> maze_solve < m3.txt | maze_ppm 11 | convert - m3s.jpg UNIX> maze_solve < m4.txt | maze_ppm 11 | convert - m4s.jpg UNIX> maze_solve < m5.txt | maze_ppm 11 | convert - m5s.jpg UNIX> maze_gen 10 30 > ex1.txt UNIX> maze_gen 150 50 > ex2.txt UNIX> maze_ppm 11 < ex1.txt | convert - ex1.jpg UNIX> maze_solve < ex1.txt | maze_ppm 11 | convert - ex1s.jpg UNIX> maze_ppm 3 < ex2.txt | convert - ex2.jpg UNIX> maze_solve < ex2.txt | maze_ppm 3 | convert - ex2s.jpg UNIX> maze_gen 400 400 | maze_solve | maze_ppm 3 | convert - big-ol-maze.jpg
m1s.jpg |
m2s.jpg |
m3s.jpg |
m4s.jpg |
m5s.jpg |
ex1.jpg |
ex1s.jpg |
ex2.jpg |
ex2s.jpg |
big-ol-maze.jpg |
UNIX> maze_solve < m1.txt | ms_checker m1.txt UNIX> maze_solve < m1.txt | ms_checker m2.txt ROWS of the solution does not match ROWS of the input file UNIX> maze_solve < m2.txt | ms_checker m2.txt UNIX> cat m2.txt | ms_checker m2.txt Bad Solution: Empty path, yet there is a solution to the maze UNIX> maze_solve < m4.txt | ms_checker m4.txt UNIX> maze_solve < m4.txt | ms_checker m5.txt Bad Solution: Bad maze -- missing some of the original walls UNIX>