CS302 Lecture Notes - Enumeration

First, if you are rusty on your bit arithmetic, please read the lecture notes on Bit Operations.

The following are topcoder problems that use enumeration to solve them. If you are finding enumeration difficult, then by all means, practice with these.


There are times in your CS careers where you will be called upon to perform an enumeration, and if you're not ready for it, it may be a bit confusing. There are a few primary types of enumeration, which are the focus of this set of lecture notes. As always, I focus on how you can implement these yourself, even though there is linguistic support for some of them (e.g. Permutations in C++).

Numbers / Strings: Div and Mod

The first type of enumeration is a problem where you have an array of size l, and each element of the array can have one of n values (repetitions are fine). Here are three examples: To solve the problem with enumeration, you need to generate all possible values of the array. There will be nl ways to do this, so n and l will have to be be relatively small. To enumerate, generate the numbers between 0 and nl-1. For each of these numbers, populate each successive element of the array by taking the number modulo n. Then divide the number by n (using integer division).

Lets' do a small example. Suppose you want to enumerate all 2-digit numbers that contain the digits 0, 1 and 2. In this example, n is 3, and l is 2, so you need to enumerate the numbers between 0 and 8 (which is 32-1), and convert each of those into the proper two digit number using div and mod. Here's a table:

  i     i%n    i/n    (i/n)%n     Result
  0      0      0         0         00
  1      1      0         0         10
  2      2      0         0         20
  3      0      1         1         01
  4      1      1         1         11
  5      2      1         1         21
  6      0      2         2         02
  7      1      2         2         12
  8      2      2         2         22
The program src/divmod.cpp takes two command line arguments l and n, and enumerates all strings of length l that are composed of the first n letters of the alphabet. Here, I show the relevant code. All variables are ints.

  /* Calculate n^l.  This is inefficient, but since l is small, it's ok. */

  top = 1;
  for (i = 0; i < l; i++) top *= n;

  /* Enumerate the numbers from 0 to n^l-1, and for each of these
     numbers extract each digit when the number is considered in 
     base n.  We do that by taking the number mod n, and then 
     dividing the number by n. */

  for (i = 0; i < top; i++) {
    j = i;
    for (k = 0; k < l; k++) {
      digit = j % n;
      j /= n; 
      printf("%c", 'a'+digit);
  return 0;

Let's do the example above:

UNIX> bin/divmod 
usage: divmod l n
UNIX> bin/divmod 2 3
In class, I did an example where n equals 5 and l equals four, and I used Unix tools to prove that the answer had to be correct:
UNIX> bin/divmod 4 5 | head                             // We're just taking a look here.
UNIX> bin/divmod 4 5 | tail                            // And here.
UNIX> bin/divmod 4 5 | wc                            // n^l is 625, so this prints the right number of lines.
     625     625    3125
UNIX> bin/divmod 4 5 | sort -u | wc                  // This ensures that there are no duplicate lines.
     625     625    3125
UNIX> bin/divmod 4 5 | sed 's/[a-e]/x/g' | sort -u   // This ensures that the only characters printed are a-e and x.
UNIX> bin/divmod 4 5 | sed 's/[a-e]/y/g' | sort -u   // This ensures that there were in fact no x's.

To reiterate mathematically: If you are generating all l-length vectors v that contain numbers between zero and n, you enumerate j from zero to nl-1, and then:

v[i] = (j/(ni))%n.

Power Set Enumeration (Enumeration of Subsets): Using bits

Sometimes you need to enumerate all subsets of a set of l items. This is called the Power Set of a set. There are 2l such subsets, and the easiest way to visualize a subset is as a l-element bit string. Each element in the set corresponds to a digit in l, and if a digit's value is one, then the element belongs to the subset.

You'll note, this is the same problem as above -- you want to generate all l-length vectors v that contain numbers between zero and two. While we can use the same method as above with div and mod, when you are dealing with zeros and ones exclusively, you can use bit arithmetic to do the same task more quickly.

We'll motivate with an example. Suppose I have four people, Larry, Curly, Moe and Shemp, and I want to enumerate all possible ways that I can make a team from them, where a team is a collection of one or more people. Each potential team may be represented by a bit string as defined above, and as long as the bit string has a one in it, it represents a valid team. Here are all teams and their representative strings:

1000 Larry
0100 Curly
1100 Larry Curly
0010 Moe
1010 Larry Moe
0110 Curly Moe
1110 Larry Curly Moe
0001 Shemp
1001 Larry Shemp
0101 Curly Shemp
1101 Larry Curly Shemp
0011 Moe Shemp
1011 Larry Moe Shemp
0111 Curly Moe Shemp
1111 Larry Curly Moe Shemp

Enumerating these bit strings can be done as in the previous section: l equals 4 and n equals 2. Again, instead of using div and mod, we can use bit arithmetic. First, 2l may be calculated with bit arithmetic as (1 << l). Next, if you want to see if the j-th digit of the bit string s is one, test whether (s & (1 << j)) is non-zero. This gives us all we need to know to enumerate sets.

For example, the program src/gen-teams.cpp reads in names from standard input, and then generates all possible teams from those names. It is what I used to generate the teams above.

int main()
  vector <string> people;
  string s;
  int i, j;

  while (cin >> s) people.push_back(s);
  if (s.size() > 30) {
    cerr << "Sorry, not generating more than 2^30 teams\n";

  for (i = 1; i < (1 << people.size()); i++) {
    for (j = 0; j < people.size(); j++) {   // Print the bit strings
      printf("%c", (i & (1 << j)) ? '1' : '0');
    for (j = 0; j < people.size(); j++) {   // Print the teams
      if (i & (1 << j)) printf(" %s", people[j].c_str());

There's not much subtle here -- once you know how to generate 2l and to test whether digit j is equal to one using bit arithmetic, the rest falls out naturally.

I'm reiterating here, but once again, what we are doing is representing sets using integers and bits rather than the STL. When I want to represent a set of distinct numbers between 0 and 31. I can do it using a 32-element bit string, where bit j is one if j is an element of the set. Since ints are 32-bits, I can represent each set with one integer. That's nice. I can represent a set of distinct numbers between 0 and 63 with a long long. That can also be nice.

A good example Topcoder problem that you can solve with a power set enumeration is SRM 604, D2, 500-pointer (PowerOfThreeEasy). I have lecture notes for that here, and I go over the program in class.

A second good Topcoder problem that uses this kind of enumeration is SRM 489, D2, 500-point problem. (Problem description: http://community.topcoder.com/stat?c=problem_statement&pm=11191&rd=14242). This one is a little harder. I have lecture notes about solving that problem here.

Using Recursion to perform an "n choose k" Enumeration

Sometimes enumerations are more subtle than the above. For example, suppose I want to generate all three-person teams from a collection of n people. This is an "n choose k" enumeration, where k is equal to 3. It's not as easy to simply generate all numbers from 0 to (n!)/((3!)((n-3)!)) and match each number to a team. Or at least I don't see an easy way to do it.

Instead, you can often write a recursive function to help you enumerate. An example is in src/gen-3-teams.cpp. This program generates all three-person teams from a collection of people entered on standard input. The program maintains two variables: people, which is the vector of people, and team, which is a team that gets incrementally constructed. The heart of the program is GenTeams(int index, int npeople), which is a recursive method that builds all possible teams. Its two parameters are as follows:

GenTeams() first checks base cases -- if npeople is zero, then there are no people left to put on teams -- you can print teams and return. Next, check to see if there are enough people left in people to make the team. If not, return. Otherwise, you do two recursive calls. The first puts people[index] on the team and calls GenTeams(index+1, npeople-1). The second skips people[index] and simply calls GenTeams(index+1, npeople). In other words, you are enumerating all teams with people[index] on them, and all teams without people[index].

Here is the code:

class People {
    vector <string> people;
    vector <string> team;
    void GenTeams(int index, int npeople);

void People::GenTeams(int index, int npeople)
  int i;

  /* Base case -- if there are no more people to add, 
     print out the team and return */

  if (npeople == 0) {
    cout << team[0];
    for (i = 1; i < team.size(); i++) cout << " " << team[i];
    cout << endl;

  /* This is a second base case -- if there are fewer people left to add
     than there are places left on the team, then it's impossible to finish,
     so simply return.  Ask yourself why this is better than testing whether
     index is equal to people.size(), and returning if so. */

  if (npeople > people.size() - index) return;

  /* Now, put the person in people[index] onto the team, and call GenTeams()
     recursively.  Afterwards, take the person off of the team. */
  GenTeams(index+1, npeople-1);

  /* Finally, call GenTeams() recursively without putting
     people[index] on the team. */

  GenTeams(index+1, npeople);

int main()
  People P;
  string s;
  int i, j;

  while (cin >> s) P.people.push_back(s);
  P.GenTeams(0, 3);

Trace through the code if you find this confusing -- copy the code and put in some extra print statements.

UNIX> echo Larry Curly Moe Shemp | bin/gen-3-teams
Larry Curly Moe
Larry Curly Shemp
Larry Moe Shemp
Curly Moe Shemp
UNIX> echo Larry Curly Moe Shemp Baby-Daisy | bin/gen-3-teams
Larry Curly Moe
Larry Curly Shemp
Larry Curly Baby-Daisy
Larry Moe Shemp
Larry Moe Baby-Daisy
Larry Shemp Baby-Daisy
Curly Moe Shemp
Curly Moe Baby-Daisy
Curly Shemp Baby-Daisy
Moe Shemp Baby-Daisy

Using Recursion to Permute

I am purposefully not using the STL Algorithm library here to permute. It has a functionality that allows you to generate the "next lexicographically ordered permutation" of a vector. You should learn that on your own time, but I want to you understand how these things are done, not merely how you can get them done expediently.

A very similar recursion may be used to generate all permutations of a collection of elements. In the example, I again read in names, and this time print out all permutations. The structure of the enumeration is again a recursion, which works as follows (in src/gen-permutations.cpp):

class People {
    vector <string> people;
    void GenPermutations(int index);

void People::GenPermutations(int index)
  int i;
  string tmp;

  /* Base case -- we're done - print out the vector */

  if (index == people.size()) {
    cout << people[0];
    for (i = 1; i < people.size(); i++) cout << " " << people[i];
    cout << endl;

  /* Otherwise, for each element of the vector, swap it with the element
     in index, call GenPermutations() recursively on the remainder of the
     vector, and then swap it back. */
  for (i = index; i < people.size(); i++) {

    tmp = people[i];         /* Swap people[index] with people[i] */
    people[i] = people[index];
    people[index] = tmp;


    tmp = people[i];          /* Swap back */
    people[i] = people[index];
    people[index] = tmp;

How many lines are there if you are permuting n items? Well, there are n ways to choose the first item, then n-1 to choose the second, etc. So, there are (n!) ways to permute n items, which will lead to n! lines of output:

UNIX> echo Larry Curly Moe | bin/gen-permutations
Larry Curly Moe
Larry Moe Curly
Curly Larry Moe
Curly Moe Larry
Moe Curly Larry
Moe Larry Curly
UNIX> echo 1 2 3 4 | bin/gen-permutations
1 2 3 4
1 2 4 3
1 3 2 4
1 3 4 2
1 4 3 2
1 4 2 3
2 1 3 4
2 1 4 3
2 3 1 4
2 3 4 1
2 4 3 1
2 4 1 3
3 2 1 4
3 2 4 1
3 1 2 4
3 1 4 2
3 4 1 2
3 4 2 1
4 2 3 1
4 2 1 3
4 3 2 1
4 3 1 2
4 1 3 2
4 1 2 3
UNIX> echo 1 2 3 | bin/gen-permutations | wc
       6      18      36
UNIX> echo 1 2 3 4 | bin/gen-permutations | wc
      24      96     192
UNIX> echo 1 2 3 4 5 | bin/gen-permutations | wc
     120     600    1200
UNIX> echo 1 2 3 4 5 6 | bin/gen-permutations | wc
     720    4320    8640
UNIX> echo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | bin/gen-permutations | wc
    5040   35280   70560

Balls in Boxes

The last two programs above are what I call "balls in boxes" problems. The general form of these problems is that you have n different colored balls. There are c distinct colors, labeled c0, c1 ... cc-1. For each color, ci, there are bi identical balls of that color. The sum of all bi is therefore n, and you have n boxes numbered 0 to n-1. The problem is to enumerate all distinct ways that you can put the balls into the boxes.

For example, in the gen-3-teams problem, you have n people and you want to enumerate the number of three-person teams. That is equivalent to having n boxes, and balls with two colors. Call them black and white. There are three black balls and n-3 white balls. You want to enumerate all distinct ways to put the balls into the boxes. A configuration of balls and boxes is equivalant to a team -- associate each person with a box, and if the box has a black ball, then the person is on the team.

In the permutation example, bi equals one for all i. Thus enumerating balls and boxes gives you permutations.

In my last example, I'll write a general balls-in-boxes program. As with the others, it is recursive. To start with the explanation, here is the scaffolding -- a class named BallsInBoxes that has the definition of the balls, a vector to hold the boxes, and a method called GenInstances() that will do the enumeration. Its main simply reads in the ball colors from standard input and prints them out. The program is in src/balls-in-boxes-0.cpp:

#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;

/* Our class definition for the "Balls in Boxes" problem. */

class BallsInBoxes {
    map <string,int> balls;           // Key = color of the ball.  Val = # of balls with that color
    vector <string> boxes;            // We will put the colors into each of the boxes.
    void GenInstances(size_t index);  // Recursive method to solve the problem.

/* Recursive method to solve the problem.  We'll write this later. */

void BallsInBoxes::GenInstances(size_t index)
  (void) index;

int main()
  BallsInBoxes B;                    /* The instance of the BallsInBoxes class. */
  string s;                          /* This is for reading in the color of each ball. */
  int nb;                            /* This stores the number of balls/boxes while reading */
  map <string, int>::iterator mit;

  nb = 0;               /* Read the balls as strings on standard input. */
  while (cin >> s) { 

  /* Print general info. */

  printf("Total balls & boxes: %d\n", nb);
  for (mit = B.balls.begin(); mit != B.balls.end(); mit++) {
    printf("Color: %-10s    # Balls: %d\n", mit->first.c_str(), mit->second);
  B.GenInstances(0);  // This does nothing for now.
  return 0;

Let's verify that it works as anticipated:

UNIX> echo red red blue yellow red blue | bin/balls-in-boxes-0
Total balls & boxes: 6
Color: blue          # Balls: 2
Color: red           # Balls: 3
Color: yellow        # Balls: 1
UNIX> echo a b c d a b a a a a a | bin/balls-in-boxes-0
Total balls & boxes: 11
Color: a             # Balls: 7
Color: b             # Balls: 2
Color: c             # Balls: 1
Color: d             # Balls: 1
Now, we write GenInstances(). At each call, there is a vector (which represents the boxes) that has been partially filled in with index boxes, and a map that contains the balls that have not been placed yet. For each color in the map, we place a ball into the next element of the vector, remove the ball from the map, and call the procedure recursively. After the recursive call, we replace the ball in the map.

Here it is, in src/balls-in-boxes-1.cpp:

void BallsInBoxes::GenInstances(int index)
  int i;
  map <string, int>::iterator bit;

  /* Base case -- if you have placed all of the balls in boxes,
     print them out, and return. */

  if (index == boxes.size()) {
    cout << boxes[0];
    for (i = 1; i < boxes.size(); i++) cout << " " << boxes[i];
    cout << endl;

  /* For each color where you haven't placed a ball yet, place the ball, 
     make a recursive call, and remove the ball. */

  for (bit = balls.begin(); bit != balls.end(); bit++) {
    if (bit->second > 0) {
      boxes[index] = bit->first;
      /* I don't actually "remove" the ball here, because subsequent iterations
         of the loop, or subsequent recursive calls will overwrite boxes[index]. */

Verify to yourself that it is giving you correct output in all of the examples below:

UNIX> echo a a b b | bin/balls-in-boxes-1
a a b b
a b a b
a b b a
b a a b
b a b a
b b a a
UNIX> echo a a a a | bin/balls-in-boxes-1
a a a a
UNIX> echo a b c | bin/balls-in-boxes-1
a b c
a c b
b a c
b c a
c a b
c b a
UNIX> echo larry moe curly | bin/balls-in-boxes-1
curly larry moe
curly moe larry
larry curly moe
larry moe curly
moe curly larry
moe larry curly
UNIX> echo B B B W | bin/balls-in-boxes-1

A very subtle bug with iterators

Now, suppose it goes against my sensibilities in some respects to include a ball in the balls map once its number of balls reaches zero. When that happens, I decide to remove it from the map, so that I'm not later traversing a map whose elements I skip. I may very well write code as in src/balls-in-boxes-2.cpp:

void BallsInBoxes::GenInstances(int index)
  int i;
  map <string, int>::iterator bit;

  if (index == boxes.size()) {
    cout << boxes[0];
    for (i = 1; i < boxes.size(); i++) cout << " " << boxes[i];
    cout << endl;

  for (bit = balls.begin(); bit != balls.end(); bit++) {
    boxes[index] = bit->first;
    if (bit->second == 0) {
      bit = balls.end();
    if (bit == balls.end()) {
      bit = balls.insert(make_pair(boxes[index], 1)).first;
    } else bit->second++;

When a ball's second field goes to zero, I remove it from the map and then set bit to equal balls.end(). After the recursion, if bit equals balls.end(), then I re-insert the ball into the map. Yes, that balls.insert() call is ugly. On a map, the insert() method returns a pair -- an iterator to the element, and true if the element was actually inserted, or false if it was there already.

Try this with six balls -- three colors, where bi equals 2 for each of the three balls:

UNIX> echo a a b b c c | bin/balls-in-boxes-2 
a a b b c c
a a b c b c
a a b c c b
a a c b b c
a a c b c b
a a c c b b
You'll see that it runs forever, and eventually you'll see lines like "a b a c a b". Obviously, we have a bug, since there should be two a's and two c's. I'm not going to trace this bug in detail, because it's too hard. I'll simply tell you what's going on. Look at this snippet of the code:

  for (bit = balls.begin(); bit != balls.end(); bit++) {
    boxes[index] = bit->first;
    if (bit->second == 0) {
      bit = balls.end();
    if (bit == balls.end()) {
      bit = balls.insert(make_pair(boxes[index], 1)).first;
    } else bit->second++;

The problem arises when you don't erase bit and then you make the recursive call. Suppose that bit points to the entry for "a" in the map. Later, in the recursion, you're going to delete the entry for "a", because it's second field will be zero. When all the recursion returns, bit is pointing to an erased iterator. I wish we got a seg fault when we incremented bit->second. However, what happens is that the C++ runtime system reuses memory, and bit is pointing to a valid iterator, which may no longer be for "a".

This is a brutal bug, but one that can happen when you store iterators that may become deleted. It is similar to storing a pointer which is subsequently free()'d or deleted. I've fixed this in src/balls-in-boxes-3.cpp, although I'm not proud of it. Here's the relevant code snippet. After the recursive call, I make sure that bit points to the proper iterator:

  for (bit = balls.begin(); bit != balls.end(); bit++) {
    boxes[index] = bit->first;
    if (bit->second == 0) {
      bit = balls.end();
    if (bit == balls.end()) {
      bit = balls.insert(make_pair(boxes[index], 1)).first;
    } else {
      bit = balls.find(boxes[index]);

I think the code for src/balls-in-boxes-1.cpp is far superior to the others. On the flip side, I don't think it's the best way to solve this. We should use a vector instead of a map; however, I don't think that it's worth the class or study time to go through that level of detail.

Removing Recursion

I had mentioned in class that you can always remove recursion and model it with a stack. While the ensuing program may now not be recursive, it's usually a lot more convoluted. I'll give an example with src/balls-in-boxes-4.cpp:

class BallsInBoxes {
    map <string,int> balls;
    vector <string> colors;
    vector <int> nballs;
    vector <string> boxes;
    void GenInstances();

void BallsInBoxes::GenInstances()
  stack <int> Stack;
  int index, color, i;


  while (!Stack.empty()) {
    color = Stack.top();
    index = Stack.size();

    // Base case -- if we're at the end of boxes, print it out and "return"

    if (index == boxes.size()) {
      cout << boxes[0];
      for (i = 1; i < boxes.size(); i++) cout << " " << boxes[i];
      cout << endl;
    } else {

      if (color != -1) {  // We have just finished enumerating with "color"

      // Find the next color to enumerate.  
      // Note how this works when color started at -1.

      for (color++; color < nballs.size() && nballs[color] == 0; color++) ;
      // If we still have a color to enumerate, put it into boxes, push
      // the color onto the stack, and push -1 on the stack to enumerate the next index.

      if (color < nballs.size()) {
        boxes[index] = colors[color];

int main()
  BallsInBoxes B;
  map <string, int>::iterator bit;
  string s;
  int nb;

  while (cin >> s) B.balls[s]++; 

  nb = 0;
  for (bit = B.balls.begin(); bit != B.balls.end(); bit++) {
    nb += bit->second;


To make life easier, I've created the vectors colors and nballs. In this way, we can manage a stack of indices into the colors vector, which is less confusing than maintaining a stack of iterators of balls (I have that code in src/balls-in-boxes-5.cpp).

Concentrate on GenInstances(). It maintains a stack of indices of colors. Instead of making recursive calls, you push -1 on the stack. That's what we do initially. The stack contains indices of the colors that we're currently enumerating. Thus, the top of the stack is the color that we're enumerating in boxes[Stack.size()-1]. Our main processing loop therefore removes this element from the top of the stack and sets index to the new Stack.size().

If that element is -1, then we're starting a new enumeration. If that element is something else, then we've just finished enumerating that element. So we increment nballs to put that color back when we enumerate a new color. In either case, we now need to find the next color to enumerate, which is done by the for loop:

for (color++; color < nballs.size() && nballs[color] == 0; color++) ;

If, after executing this for loop, color is equal to nballs.size(), then we're done enumerating this index. Otherwise, we need to enumerate the next color, which we do with the following code:

boxes[index] = colors[color];

In this way, we mimic the recursive version of the program, only instead of actually performing recursion, we simply manage the stack. As always, if you are confused by this, copy it, put in some print statements, and trace it. Frankly, I think that the recursive version of this is much easier to both read and write, but this is a good exercise in seeing how a stack can replace recursion.

A final piece of code is in src/balls-in-boxes-5.cpp. This code also manages a stack, but instead of managing integers, it manages iterator to balls. Where -1 was in the code previously, we use balls.end(). Try to trace through it -- it is very similar to src/balls-in-boxes-4.cpp, except you need to be unafraid of iterators!