CS360 -- Lab 2 - Libfdr Primer - "Famtree"

Note: When you do this lab, make directories for yourself called src and bin. Put your famtree.c program into src, and the makefile in this directory will compile the executable into bin/famtree. The gradescripts assume that you have this directory structure.

I've made a short video on compilation for this lab: https://youtu.be/1isdrGmgs6Q.

What you submit

You are to submit the file famtree.c. The TA will copy this into his/her src directory, and will use the makefile in the lab directory to create the executable bin/famtree.


This is a lab that makes sure that you have red-black trees, dlists and fields down.

Your job in this lab is to write the program bin/famtree. This program takes a description of people and their relationships to one another on standard input. The descriptions must be in a special format, which will be described below. An example is in the file data/fam1txt, which represents a family composed of Bob and Nancy, and their three chidren Frank, Lester and Diana.

bin/famtree takes such a description, and prints out complete information on all of the people in the file. This consists of, for each person, their sex (if known), their father, mother and children. Therefore data/fam1output.txt contains valid output of bin/famtree on data/fam1.txt.

The format of the input file is as follows. Lines must either be blank, or have one of following first words:

People may be specified in any order in the input file.

bin/famtree has two other features. First, it prints out the people in a structured order. That is, no person can be printed out until both of their parents have been printed out. If this is impossible (as, for example, in data/cyclefam.txt), then bin/famtree identifies this fact before it prints out people. Beyond this one rule, people may be printed in any order.

The second feature of bin/famtree is that it allows for redundancy, but it infers as much as it can. For example, data/redundant.txt has a few lines that are redundant. Line 3 is redundant because Fred must be male by virtue of being Joe's father. Moreover, line 7 is redundant because line 2 already specified Fred as Joe's father. The file data/nonredundant.txt is the minimal file specifying the same family.

Specifically -- the output should look as follows:

Each person should have the following information printed, each on a different line. You should check for the following errors and print error messages on standard error that match mine:

The cycle detection should be performed after the other checks. The other checkss should be flagged as they are read in.

Working example

A working example of bin/famtree is in ~jplank/cs360/labs/Lab-2-Famtree/bin/famtree. Try it out on the input files in this directory. Other input files are: You should make your output work exactly like bin/famtree's.


There is a standard gradescript and gradeall in the lab directory. The gradescript makes use of the program bin/grader in the lab directory.


You should have a struct for a person (mine is called a Person). That struct will have the following fields:

Your program will work in three phases:

  1. Reading the information into the structs. You should have a red-black tree (mine is called people) that contains all the people. It is keyed on each person's name, and the val fields are the person's Person structs. You use an IS to read standard input.

    Each time you read a line that has a name (i.e. PERSON, FATHER, MOTHER, FATHER_OF and MOTHER_OF) you test to see if the person with that name is in the people tree. If not, you create the struct and insert it.

    Whenever you process a line that needs to create some links (i.e. FATHER, MOTHER, FATHER_OF and MOTHER_OF), you first check to see if the link exists and is correct. If incorrect, you flag an error. If correct, you do nothing. If the link doesn't exist, you should create it in both the parent and the child.

    When you're done with this phase, you'll have a red-black tree with all people in it, and all the people will have the correct links to their parents and children.

  2. Testing the graph for cycles. The graph is messed up if there is a cycle in it. In other words, if a person can be his/her own ancestor or descendant, then there is a problem. Testing for cycles is a simple depth-first search, which you should have learned in CS302. (Lecture notes in are in http://web.eecs.utk.edu/~jplank/plank/classes/cs302/Notes/DFS/).

  3. Printing out the graph. This is a topological sort, because you are not allowed to print a node until you have printed nodes that are incident to it. Topological sort is described in the CS302 lecture notes: http://web.eecs.utk.edu/~jplank/plank/classes/cs302/Notes/Topological/.
There is a makefile for this lab here.