CS360 Midterm -- October 18, 2000. Question 1: Answer and Grading

14 points

The answer

Not too much subtlety here. There were three issues that required a little thought:
  1. Where to find argv[1]. To do that, you have to load [fp+16], add 4 to the value, treat that as an address and load that address.
  2. How to push s onto the stack. You initially allocate 20 bytes on the stack. Four of them are for the pointer x. The rest are the 16 bytes of s. So what is s? It is the address of the first byte. If you say that x is at address fp then the first byte of s is going to be at fp-16. Thus, to push s onto the stack, you need to push the value fp-16.
  3. Do we worry about x because it is a pointer?. No. It's just a 4-byte quantity just like an integer.
Here's the answer:

    push #20                  / x will be at [fp].  s will be fp-20.  Note
                              / there's no address at fp-20 -- that is the 
                              / actual address for s.  [fp-20] will be the 
                              / first byte of s.
    ld [fp+16] -> %r0         / Get argv into r0
    ld [r0+4] -> %r1          / Get argv[1] into r1
    st %r1 -> [sp]--          / Push it on the stack

    mv #-16 -> %r0            / s is fp-16.  Push that on the stack
    add %fp, %r0, -> %r0
    st %r0 -> [sp]--     
    jsr strcpy                / call strcpy and pop the args off the stack
    pop #8

    st %r0 -> [fp]            / Store the return value into x

    ld [fp] -> %r0            / Push x on the stack
    st %r0 -> [sp]--
    jsr puts                  / call puts and pop the arg off the stack
    pop #4

    ret                       / return

If you're still confused about why fp-16, see this link.


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