CS360 Midterm -- October 18, 2000. Question 3

Continuing the scenario from Question 2. Suppose you have written this program, and it is called bbbf.c (for ``bye-bye boss files!''). You have compiled it into an executable called bbbf.

Moreover, suppose everyone in the entire office has their files on the same machine (each user's directory is in /home/username).

You want to set it up so that when you decide to pull the trigger, you will nuke all of your boss's files.

This set up should be such that your boss cannot thwart your plan, unless he has root access and knows exactly what you are doing. If he doesn't have root access, he should not able to stop you from deleting his files, even if he knows what you are doing.

Thus, you can't leave any processes running on his machine. You can't submit program's to at. You can't change his .cshrc file. You have to think of something foolproof. And your boss is coming back to the office in a few minutes..........

Describe exactly what you do.