CS360 Midterm Exam - March 8, 2022

This ended up being a difficult exam, and time got most of you. To help, I gave three quizzes in Canvas that the students were to do in lab. They were just like problems 2-4, and students could replace their scores on problems 2-4 with the results of those quizzes.

I will express my disappointment in a large number of answers to Questions 5 and 6. I expected those questions to have 100% correct, since they are straightforward concepts that are typically on every CS360 midterm that I give. There was nothing tricky -- just show that you know what hard links are and what buffering is.

Scores to Grades

Here is the mapping of scores to grades (this is after the quizzes have been incorporated):
- A+ 67 - 75
- A  59 - 67
- B  48 - 59
- C  40 - 48
- D  35 - 40
- F   0 - 35

Exam, Answers, Grading Rubric

The exam was on Canvas. The questions, answers and grading are below: answers.html.

Histogram and Tukey Plots

The histogram shows the scores after the quizzes have been incorporated. The Tukey plots show the original scores before the quizzes.