CS494 -- Lab 5: SIMD

What you submit in this lab

You should submit a gzipped tar file that contains two files:
  1. The-Tips-Floyd-Bits-Packed-SIMD.cpp
  2. AP-Flow-SIMD.cpp


Another simple lab writup. Write two programs: There is a makefile in this directory, plus header files and Main files (plus MOA.h and MOA.c). Copy these over and use them, but you may not modify them. When you submit, you should only sumbit The-Tips-Floyd-Bits-Packed-SIMD.cpp and AP-Flow-SIMD.cpp. Your teaching assistant will compile them with the makefile and the versions of MOA.h, MOA.c, The-Tips.h, The-Tips-Main.cpp, AP-Flow.h and AP-Flow-Main.cpp that are in this lab directory.

In particular, do not use the versions of The-Tips-Main.cpp and AP-Flow-Main.cpp that are in the Floyd-Warshall lecture notes, as they are different from these versions. These versions have added a timeout after 4 seconds.

Your TA will inspect your code to make sure that it is using SIMD correctly. The gradescripts will timeout and call your programs incorrect if they take longer than 4 seconds.

Have fun! After doing this lab, you get to put "Intel SIMD Extensions" onto your resume. You're welcome.