newgraph (* Set up the x axis to have some extra room to the right and left. *) xaxis size 2 min 0.1 max 10.9 hash 1 mhash 0 shash 0 label : Words (* Nothing exciting here about the x axis *) yaxis min 0 max 100 size 2 label : Speed (GB/s) grid_lines grid_gray .7 (* Unfortunately, if you don't do this, the x axis will be gray. *) newline pts 0.1 0 10.9 0 (* Put the legend at the top *) legend top (* The bars are filled with yellow *) newcurve marktype xbar cfill 1 1 0 (* The mark size says a width of 0.8, and in the legend, it has a height of five. The units are the units of the x and y axes. *) marksize .8 5 label : These are random bars pts 1 80.7677 2 28.498 3 72.8278 4 49.3617 5 92.705 6 84.8035 7 47.2454 8 46.721 9 25.5328 10 64.1393