newgraph (* Set up the x axis to have three points. Give it a little extra room to the right and left. The shash says to line up the hash marks so that if zero were on the axis, there would be a hash mark at zero. *) xaxis size 1 min .8 max 3.2 hash 1 mhash 0 shash 0 (* Don't produce hash labels automatically, but instead put three custom labels at hash marks 1, 2 and 3. *) no_auto_hash_labels hash_label at 1 : Kilobyte hash_label at 2 : Megabyte hash_label at 3 : Gigabyte (* This sets the font and font size of the labels, it also says to left/center justify them and rotate them down 60 degrees. *) hash_labels fontsize 12 font Times-Italic hjl vjc rotate -60 (* The y axis is more standard. *) yaxis size 2 min 0 max 15 hash 5 mhash 4 (* However, we're adding a labeled hash mark at 13.5 *) hash_at 13.5 hash_label at 13.5 : Control hash_labels fontsize 12 (* And we're setting the font size to 12 *) grid_lines grid_gray .7 (* And drawing grid lines at a grey level of 0.7 *) (* Draw a reference line at y=13.5 through the whole graph *) newline pts 0.8 13.5 3.2 13.5 (* This is a bad part of jgraph -- when you draw the gray grid lines, it makes the x axis gray. I'm drawing this line to make it black again. *) newline pts 0.8 0 3.2 0 (* And draw a red curve with red boxes and a doubly thick line *) newcurve marktype box color 1 0 0 linetype solid color 1 0 0 linethickness 2 pts 1 8 2 11 3 15