>To: plank@cs.utk.edu >Subject: Script Construction > >To delete the header lines from your entry1 file and put the output >in a temporary file I used: > sed '/^From /,/^Status:/d' entry1 > temp.1 >which worked fine... but when I try to put this same function is a scrip >file that will be exercised with sed -f script_name entry1: >as either >'/^From /,/^Status:/d' > temp.1 >or >/^From /,/^Status:/d > temp.1 >I get for the first case: >sed: Unrecognized command: '/^From /,/^Status:/d' > temp.1 >and for the second: >sed: Extra text at end of command: /^From /,/^Status:/d > temp.1 >.... >Any suggestions would be appreciated. You can't put redirection into a sed script. You need /^From /,/^Status:/d in the script file, and then call it with sed -f scriptfile > temp.1 Jim Plank