CS560 Final Exam - May 4, 2005

Jim Plank

Answer to: Question 1 (9 Points)

A file allocation table is a way of implementing a linked index scheme for files that has a number of advantages over storing a link at the end of each block of a file. Specifically, the blocks on a disk are partitioned into data blocks and link blocks. The link blocks are in the first blocks of the disk, and are composed solely of links for the data blocks. The directory entry for the file is simply a pointer to the first block of the file.

For example, the first link in the first link block contains the link for the first data block on the list. Thus, if a file is composed of multiple blocks, the link for the file's first data block points to the second data block, and so on. Obviously, the last block's link will contain a NULL pointer.

This scheme is preferable to storing links in the data blocks for two main reasons. First, the block's size can be a power of two, which is often very convenient. In other words, the block itself is not broken up into a data portion and a metadata portion. Second, the link blocks themselves may be cached in the operating system, and therefore finding the bytes in the middle of a file does not require reading all of the previous data blocks from disk. Instead, the cached links may be used without any extra reading of data from disk.

The links also provide a nice way to identify free blocks -- instead of having a NULL pointer or a pointer to another block, the link can have a different sentinel value that flags it as a free block.

There are two kinds of caching in this system. The first is caching the link blocks, as discussed above. The second is performing standard disk block caching -- either LRU caching for frequently used blocks, or lookahead caching to optimize the performance of serial file access.


Answer to Question 2 (11 points)

Ok -- before answering the question, what do we know? Since pages are 8K, the offset part of an address will be the last 13 bits. Since there are four segments, the first two bits will contain the segment number. Therefore, the middle 17 bits will be the offset into the segment's page table. Given that, we can now answer the individual questions:


Answer to Question 3 (10 points)

Since gets() does not check to see how big s is, it is entirely possible that the bytes in memory following s get overwritten. Suppose that s is on the stack. Then you can write beyond s, and insert code below the frame pointer on the stack. Finally, you modify the return pc just below the fp to point to this new code. When the procedure calling gets() returns, you will be executing the malicious code:


Answer to Question 4 (6 points)

You use a special arithmetic called Galois Field arithmetic, so that addition/multiplication/division are closed, and inverses exist.

You will use a 10 X 4 dispersal matrix, whose first 4 rows are the identity matrix. The rest of the dispersal matrix is defined such that the matrix that results when any six rows are deleted is still invertible. The coding words are defined by the six bottom rows of the dispersal matrix. Each word is created by taking the dot product of the corresponding row of the dispersal matrix with the data words. Put another way, if you multiply the dispersal matrix with the vector composed of the data words, you will yield a vector of 10 elements containing the 4 data words in the first 4 elements, and the 6 coding words in the remaining elements.

To decode, suppose you have any 4 of the collection of 10 data and coding words. You create a 4 X 4 matrix B from the four rows of the dispersal matrix that correspond to the 4 words that you have. You then invert B. The product of B and the vector of the 4 words that you have will yield the 4 data words.


Each of these is one point:

Answer to Question 5 (15 points)

Part 1

The matrices are 800 bytes each. Thus, each fits into exactly one page. So the answer is five: the page holding the stack, the page holding the code, the page holding a, the page holding b, and the page holding c.

Part 2

Each matrix is now 8MB. Each row fits into exactly one page, since each row consists of 1K elements, and doubles are 8 bytes. Loop 3 of course reads the code segment and reads/writes the stack segments. It also modifies the page that holds c[i*n+j]. It reads all elements of row i of matrix a. Those are all held in one page, bringing our total up to four. Finally, it reads all elements in column j of matrix b. Each of those elements is in a different page. Therefore, it reads 1024 pages of matrix b. This brings the grand total to 1028 pages.

Part 3

The answer here is 5 pages. The four pages holding the stack, code, c[i*n+j] and row i of a all get touched in every iteration. Therefore, the pages holding each element of column j of b will be the ones selected for replacement. If you were worried that the wrong page might get kicked out, an answer of 6, or even 10 would be ok.

Part 4

FIFO is kind of a disaster to this program. The problem is that even though the four pages holding holding the stack, code, c[i*n+j] and row i of a are used in every iteration, there is no preference given to them when selecting a page to kick out. Thus, when a page holding an element of b needs to be brought in, it may kick out one of these pages, which will cause an extra page fault on the next iteration.

Thus, we need 1028 (or x of you didn't answer 1028) pages if we want to limit the page faults to 1028.

Part 5

Yes, suppose you have five pages allocated to your process, and you keep a free frame pool of a page, where you maintain the identity of the page in the free frame pool. Then if you kick out one of the four pages that will be used in the next iteration, and then you catch a page fault on that page, it will cost nothing to bring it back for the process since it is there in the free frame pool. This trick is described in the book.
