``Improving Performance in the Network Storage Stack''

Scott Atchley, James S. Plank, Zheng Yong, Ding Jin, Long Zhou, Stephen Soltesz. Micah Beck and Terry Moore.

Technical Report CS-02-481, University of Tennessee Department of Computer Science, April, 2002.

Submitted for publication

Available via anonymous ftp to cs.utk.edu in pub/plank/papers/CS-02-481.pdf or pub/plank/papers/CS-02-481.ps.Z


This paper addresses the issue of improved bandwidth when using multi-threading in network storage applications. An abstraction of network storage called the Network Storage Stack is detailed along with the software layers (IBP, the L-Bone, exNode, and Logistical Tools) that have been developed to implement it. These layers have been implemented so that applications use single connections to access and utilize network storage. In this paper, we explore the benefits of adding multi-threading to to the applications at various points. We perform experiments utilizing network storage both on local-area clusters and on the wide-area. As expected, multi-threading improves performance, but also leads to other challenges in implementation and performance tuning.

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