May 5, 2004: Maryville Girls Rugby: SMAC Tournament Finals against Powell

I don't know many names, so here are pictures without captions from SMAC 2004 Champion Maryville's win against Powell!

  • Girls-Champs
  • Thumbnail: 0.078 MB
  • Description: The Championship Picture. I can get prints of this for you if you want -- it should be best as an 8x10, but if you want an 11x14, let me know, and I'll work on it. Also, if anyone would like to give me names, I can shrink the picture a bit and put names on the bottom. Let me know. Also, if you want to spruce it up yourself, I edit use Powerpoint -- here's the powerpoint file.

  • DSCF1029
  • Thumbnail: 0.056 MB
  • Description: Pic #6. Unless someone starts running, there's going to be some pain soon...