SRM 701, D2, 250-Pointer (SquareFreeString)

James S. Plank

Fri Nov 4 13:59:03 EDT 2016

In case Topcoder's servers are down

Here is a summary of the problem:


#  String                       Return Value
-  ------                       -------------
0  "bobo"                       "not square-free": The whole string is a square string.
1  "apple"                      "not square-free": Substring "pp" is a square string.
2  "pen"                        "square-free": No square substrings.
3  "aydyamrbnauhftmphyrooyq"    "not square-free"
4  "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm" "square-free"

Testing yourself

Like the Cryptography Problem, I have a shell script, that you can use to test your program. When you run, your answer should be identical to answers.txt.


This is an enumeration and string problem. Try this on your own with no hints, and if you get stuck or frustrated, come back here and scroll down.

There are many ways to approach the enumeration. Here are two of them:
  1. Enumerate all starting positions for the substring, and then all lengths for the first half of the substring. For example, suppose the string is "abcdefg". Then your enumeration will go as follows:

    Starting position Length of first half First half Second half
    0 1 "a" "b"
    0 2 "ab" "cd"
    0 3 "abc" "def"
    0 4 "abcd" Not big enough: Next starting position
    1 1 "b" "c"
    1 2 "bc" "de"
    1 3 "bcd" "efg"
    1 4 "bcde" Not big enough: Next starting position
    2 1 "c" "d"
    2 2 "cd" "ef"
    2 3 "cde" Not big enough: Next starting position
    3 1 "d" "e"
    3 2 "de" "fg"
    3 3 "def" Not big enough: Next starting position
    4 1 "e" "f"
    4 2 "ef" Not big enough: Next starting position
    5 1 "f" "g"
    5 2 "fg" Not big enough: Next starting position
    6 1 "g" Not big enough: Next starting position
    7 = End of string - return "square-free"

  2. Enumerate all even-length strings. For each of these, check to see if the first half equals the second half. Let's use an example string of "abcdede":

    Starting position Size of string String First half equals second half?
    0 2 "ab" No.
    0 4 "abcd" No.
    0 6 "abcded" No.
    1 2 "bc" No.
    1 4 "bcde" No.
    1 6 "bcdede" No.
    2 2 "cd" No.
    2 4 "cded" No.
    3 2 "de" No.
    3 4 "dede" Yes - return "not square-free"

Both of these approaches are O(n2) where n is the size of the string. You might be thinking, "This isn't your standard all-pairs enumeration -- it is smaller. Shouldn't it be less than O(n2)?." Think about the second one -- it's the summation of (n-i)/2 for all i. So, it's roughly half of the summation of i for all i. A half of O(n2) is still O(n2).