
Viktor Zenkov

Current Research

I work on these questions:


Master of Science (2020), Bachelor of Science (2019), Computer Science, University of Tennessee, Knoxville


Dynamic data fusion using multi-input models for malware classification Independent research after an internship at Oak Ridge National Laboratory focusing on improved model and architecture assessment.

A New Method Based on the von Mises-Fisher Distribution Shows that a Minority of Liver-Localized CD8 T Cells Display Hard-To-Detect Attraction to Plasmodium-Infected Hepatocytes published in Frontiers in Bioinformatics, January 2022.

Correlation between speed and turning naturally arises for sparsely sampled cell movements published in Physical Biology, January 2023


Mathematica tool for measuring attraction of cells from position data over time

Unity tool allowing exploration of cells in space

Curriculum Vitae

Link to CV


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