To:             ECE 300 class members

From:        W. L. Green, Professor EE

Subject:    Useful web sites related to ECE 300 and EE/CE in general

Date:            2004

The following web sites are outstanding in that they are scrupulously laid out, very organized.  Minimizes the time you need for reviewing circuits.  Also, gives an entrée  to many EE and CE topics.

Please note.  This material is  supplemental.  You should  “wear out” the pages of you text book, also.                   

Excellent web site for ECE 300 circuits and review of circuits: 

The site is ery well structure.  Numerous examples are worked out. The site covers most everything that is covered in ECE300. 

You are given the chance to work problems and the program lets you know if you have worked the problem correctly.  If not you can try again or the software will “walk” you though a solution.

I highly recommend this site for ECE 300 students.

The following site is a glossary of many topics in EE and CE:

Good site when doing projects and you want a short intro to a subject.  Very nicely organized.  A must for EE and CE students.