ECE 300 Lab -  Spring 2007 

ECE 300 Lab

The purpose of the ECE 300 laboratory is to provide practical illustrations to accompany the material in ECE 300 and ECE 300. This laboratory course makes available opportunities for the student to


Lab #1, the Tuesday lab, will not meet this week but will start on January 30 and meet again on February 6. Labs #2, #3, and #4 (Thursday Labs) will meet this week, January 25. The next lab meeting will be Thursday, February 8.

The 3rd lab meeting for Lab Group #1, which was scheduled on Feb 20th, is rescheduled to 1:30pm~3:30pm on Feb 27th.

Assigned lab times are at the bottom of the page.

 Lab Operating Procedures  


The labes are graded on a scale of 0-100. Points distributed as follows:

Reports are to be submitted as prescribed in the lab report format document, which includes the point distribution for the report grading.

 Laboratory Instructors 

Rui(Ray) Bo    (   
Ben McCue      (   

 Assigned Laboratory Times 

Lab #1 Tuesday: 1:30 - 3:30 PM

Lab # 2 Thursday: 8:30 - 10:30 AM Lab #3 Thursday: 1:30 - 3:30 PM
Lab #4 Thursday: 3:45 - 5:45 PM
Boyd, Christopher Patrick Coueiry, Hadi SamiHeise, David AaronDavis, Kevin William
Charlton, Kathryn Marie Daniel, Albert CritHenderson, Daniel MatthewEzell, Benjamin James
Ealey, Benjamin James Day, Michael AnthonyJones, Laronda CheryllGriffin, Nicholas Tyler
Hornbuckle, Charles William Jones, Nicholas AlanMartin, Benjamin WalterHara, Harrison Alex
Mikre, Henok Kopp, Justin HenryMcNutt, Jeremy KyleHardy, Benjamin Lee
Morales, Lester Alexis Logsdon, Jeffrey ScottMelhorn, Alexander CharlesKelly, John Chandler
Poore, Timothy Patten Ly, Sayxue JohnMillraney, James MichaelWang, Xu
Sutherland, Phillip Evan McCleary, Michael Jeremy Vallance, Aaron Nathaniel

Sumarriva, Nataly

Wakeman, Laura Grace Puster, Eric Matthew Webster Laura Elizabeth