#include #include #include using namespace std; typedef vector Board; Board makeBoard() { /* A 3x3 board is represented as a list of 9 elements. * We will use the following numbering to locate a square * 0 | 1 | 2 * ---|---|--- * 3 | 4 | 5 * ---|---|--- * 6 | 7 | 8 */ return Board (9, ' '); } void display (const Board& board) { for (int i = 0; i < 9; i += 3) { if (i > 0) printf ("---|---|---\n"); printf (" %c | %c | %c \n", board[i], board[i+1], board[i+2]); } cout << endl; } char opponent(const char player) { if (player == 'X') return 'O'; else return 'X'; } template itemType choice (const vector& vec) { int i = rand() % vec.size(); return vec[i]; } vector possibleMoves(const Board& board, char player) { vector moves (0); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) if (board[i] == ' ') moves.push_back(i); return moves; } bool gameOver(const Board& board, char player) { return possibleMoves(board, player).size() == 0; } void applyMove (Board& board, char player, int square) { board[square] = player; } // These square triples represent wins (three in a row). int WINS[][3] = {{0, 1, 2},{3, 4, 5},{6, 7, 8}, // the rows {0, 3, 6},{1, 4, 7},{2, 5, 8}, // the columns {0, 4, 8},{2, 4, 6}}; // diagonals string winner(const Board& board) { for (int win = 0; win < 8; win++) { char posWinner = board[WINS[win][0]]; if (posWinner != ' ' && posWinner == board[WINS[win][1]] && posWinner == board[WINS[win][2]]) return string(1, posWinner); } // No winner yet, are there empty squares left? for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) if (board[i] == ' ') return " "; // The board is full and no one has three in a row return "Tie"; } int openWins(const Board& board, char player) { int possWins = 0; for (int pos = 0; pos < 8; pos++) { int n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) if ((board[WINS[pos][i]] == player) || (board[WINS[pos][i]] == ' ')) n++; if (n == 3) possWins++; } return possWins; } char You = 'X'; char Me = 'O'; int INFINITY = 10; int evaluate(const Board& board, char player) { // if board is a win for player, return INFINITY char piece = winner(board)[1]; if (piece == Me) return INFINITY; else if (piece == You) return -INFINITY; else return openWins(board,Me) - openWins(board,You); } int maxIndex (const vector& vec) { int i = 0; int greatest = -INFINITY; for (int j = 0; j < vec.size(); j++) { if (vec[j] > greatest) { greatest = vec[j]; i = j; } } return i; } int lookahead(const Board& board, char player, bool MAX, int level) { vector moves = possibleMoves(board, player); if (level <= 0 || moves.size()==0) // limit of look ahead return evaluate(board, player); int V; if (MAX) { // computerŐs move V = -INFINITY; for (int m = 0; m < moves.size(); m++) { Board b (board); b[moves[m]] = player; V =max(V, lookahead(b,opponent(player),!MAX,level-1)); } } else { // opponentŐs move V = INFINITY; for (int m = 0; m < moves.size(); m++) { Board b (board); b[moves[m]] = player; V =min(V, lookahead(b,opponent(player),!MAX,level-1)); } } return V; } int LEVEL = 9; int bestMove(const Board& board, char player, vector moves) { vector scores (0); for (int m = 0; m < moves.size(); m++) { Board b (board); b[moves[m]] = player; scores.push_back( lookahead(b,opponent(player),false,LEVEL-1)); } return moves[maxIndex(scores)]; } void move(Board& board, char player) { int square; if (player == You) { // user's move? cout << "Enter your move: "; cin >> square; square--; } else { // my turn // player is the computer, make a random choice square = choice(possibleMoves(board, player)); // square = bestMove(board, player, possibleMoves(board, player)); } // place player's piece on the chosen square applyMove(board, player, square); } void play() { // Initialize board Board board = makeBoard(); // set who moves first/next: X always moves first char player = 'X'; // Display the initial board display(board); // The game loop while (winner(board) == " " && !gameOver(board, player)) { move(board, player); display(board); player = opponent(player); } // game over, show outcome string winningPiece = winner(board); if (winningPiece != "Tie") cout << winningPiece << " won.\n"; else cout << "It is a tie.\n"; } int main () { play(); return 0; }