/* * Polygon program */ // First include standard declarations #include "Myro.h" // Define the new functions... void travelStraight(double distance) { // set up your robotŐs speed double inchesPerSec = 2.0; // Travel in a straight line for distance inches robot.forward(1, distance/inchesPerSec); } void degreeTurn(double angle) { double degreesPerSec = 85; // Spin a total of angle degrees (positive or negative) // Positive angles turn left if (angle >= 0) { robot.turnLeft(1,angle/degreesPerSec); } else { robot.turnRight(1,-angle/degreesPerSec); } } void drawPolygon (int Sides, double Length) { // Draw a regular polygon with Sides number of sides // and each side of length Length. travelStraight(Length); for (int side = 1; side < Sides; side++) { // side = number of sides drawn degreeTurn(360/Sides); travelStraight(Length); } } int main() { string userInput = askQuestion("Change my pen to a " "different color and press 'OK' when ready", "OK"); // Given the number of sides and the length of each side, // draw a regular polygon int nSides; // number of polygon sides double sideLength; // length of polygon side connect(); // First, ask the user for the number of sides and // side length cout << "Given # of sides and side length I will draw" << endl; cout << "a polygon for you. " // string continues... << "Specify side length in inches." << endl; cout << "Enter # of sides in the polygon: "; cin >> nSides; cout << "Enter the length of each side: "; cin >> sideLength; // Draw the polygon drawPolygon(nSides, sideLength); speak("Look! I can draw."); disconnect(); }