#include #include using namespace std; struct date { int month, day, year; void print() { cout << month << "/" << day << "/" << year << endl; } }; struct employee { string name; // an example of a "member or instance variable" int empNum; double salary; date dateOfBirth; date dateOfHire; int supervisor; // empNum of supervisor; bool isFemale; }; void giveRaiseTo (employee& lucky) { lucky.salary = lucky.salary * 1.1; } int main () { // insert code here... date Today = {02, 23, 2010}; Today.print(); employee me, boss; me.name = "Bruce MacLennan"; // assigning to a member variable me.empNum = 123; me.salary = 100000.00; boss.name = "Queen Victoria"; boss.empNum = 1; boss.isFemale = true; boss.salary = 200000.00; me.supervisor = 1; me.dateOfHire.month = 10; me.dateOfHire.day = 1; me.dateOfHire.year = 2009; me.dateOfHire.print(); employee newHire = {"Fred", 124, 50000.00, {5, 1, 1980}, Today, 123, false}; cout << newHire.salary << endl; giveRaiseTo(me); cout << me.salary << endl; return 0; }