Course description and Syllabus
Instructor: Bruce J. MacLennan
Phone: 4-5067
Office: 110-A, Ayres Hall
Hours: 2:30-3:25
make an appointment.
Teaching Assistant: Chuck Hand
Phone: 4-8635
Office: 1B, Ayres Hall
Hours: 10:00-12:00 in Hydra Lab
Classes: 3:35-4:25 WF (Ayres 316 - change from scheduled!)
Labs: 2:30-5:30 M (Ayres 15)
If you lack any of these prerequisites, you must see me to discuss whether or not you should take the course.
We attempt to design labs so that a well-prepared student who works energetically can complete the lab in the 3-hour lab session. You should strive to do so, since the teaching assistant will be at the lab to answer your questions. However, you may continue to work on the lab after the lab session; details will be given at the first lab.
Doing the weekly homework is necessary to succeed in this course. In a sense, it counts far more than merely 10%. Likewise, succeeding at the labs is necessary to succeed in the tests.
If you collaborate with someone on an assignment (per the above rules), and if the collaboration is substantial, please note on the assignment that I worked with so-and-so. This will serve as a gentle reminder of the above rules.
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