Under construction!

Using Various Programming Languages at UTK CS



Type the following:
gpc inputfile [options] -o objectfile
I think this must be done on frosty, hires, or hasbro. For information on Gnu Pascal, type:
info -f gpc


Apparently the only way to run LISP here now is via the emacs editor. To run it type:
You can type LISP expressions to be executed in the "scratch buffer." Type crtl-j to execute the expression; the result will appear below it. Errors appear in the message window at the bottom. Exit emacs via the File menu or by ctrl-x ctrl-c.

Emacs also allows you to do more complicated things, such as edit, compile and execute LISP programs. Type

info -f emacs
For information on how to do it. (I have not tried using LISP via emacs this way.)

Backus's FP

At one time there was an implementation of Backus's FP (Functional Programming) language on Unix. You can see an example of using it
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Last updated: Tue Apr 9 18:17:19 EDT 2002