Principles of Programming Language Design

Bruce MacLennan

© 1998*

  1. Abstraction

    Avoid requiring something to be stated more than once; factor out the recurring pattern.

  2. Automation

    Automate mechanical, tedious, or error-prone activities.

  3. Defense in Depth

    Have a series of defenses so that if an error is not caught by one, it will probably be caught by another.

  4. Elegance

    Confine your attention to designs that look good because they are good.

  5. Impossible Error

    Making errors impossible to commit is preferable to detecting them after their commission.

  6. Information Hiding

    The language should permit modules designed so that (1) The user has all the information needed to use the module correctly, and nothing more; (2) the implementor has all the information needed to implement the module correctly, and nothing more.

  7. Labeling

    Avoid arbitrary sequences more than a few items long; do not require the user to know the absolute position of an item in a list. Instead, associate a meaningful label with each item and allow the items to occur in any order.

  8. Localized Cost

    Users should pay only for what they use; avoid distributed costs.

  9. Manifest Interface

    All interfaces should be apparent (manifest) in the syntax.

  10. Orthogonality

    Independent functions should be controlled by independent mechanisms.

  11. Portability

    Avoid features or facilities that are dependent on a particular computer or a small class of computers.

  12. Preservation of Information

    The language should allow the representation of information that the user might know and that the compiler might need.

  13. Regularity

    Regular rules, without exceptions, are easier to learn, use, describe, and implement.

  14. Responsible Design

    Do not ask users what they want; find out what they need.

  15. Security

    No program that violates the definition of the language, or its own intended structure, should escape detection.

  16. Simplicity

    A language should be as simple as possible. There should be a minimum number of concepts with simple rules for their combination.

  17. Structure

    The static structure of the program should correspond in a simple way to the dynamic structure of the corresponding computations.

  18. Syntactic Consistency

    Similar things should look similar, different things different.

  19. Zero-One-Infinity

    The only reasonable number are zero, one, and infinity.

Adapted from Bruce J. MacLennan, Principles of Programming Languages Design, Evaluation, and Implementation, third ed., Oxford University Press, 1999.
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Last updated: Thu Sep 10 23:52:30 EDT 1998