CS 420/527 — Biologically Inspired Computation
NetLogo Simulation

Back Propagation

(Demonstration of Back-Propagation for Project 4)

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This model demonstrates back-propagation neural-network learning on several problems.

In the future this section will give a general understanding of what the model is trying to show or explain.


This section will explain what rules the agents use to create the overall behavior of the model.


This section will explain how to use the model, including a description of each of the items in the interface tab.

INPUTS - sets the number of inputs to the network. This is forced to the correct value by selecting an EXPERIMENT.

EXPERIMENT - selects the experiment to perform.

ENTER ARCHITECTURE - allows you to enter a list of the number of neurons in each hidden layer. For example, entering "[4 2]" puts 4 neurons in the first hidden layer and 2 in the second hidden layer.

ARCHITECTURE - displays the defined architecture, including the number of inputs (as defined by INPUTS) and the number of outputs (always 1 in this model).

SETUP - constructs a neural net with the defined architecture. The interconnection weights are randomized.

RANDOMIZE WEIGHTS - randomizes the weights. This is not necessary immediately after SETUP, but it can be used to retrain the net with different starting weights or learning parameters.

TRAINING SAMPLES - the number of sample input-output pairs used to train the neural net.

TEST SAMPLES - the number of samples used to test the net for generalization during training. It is generally a good idea to stop training when the error on the test samples begins to increase.

VALIDATION SAMPLES - the number of samples used to test the net after training has been completed.

GENERATE DATA - generates the specified numbers of training, test, and validation sample input-output pairs.

ETA - the learning rate (0.2 is a good choice)

ALPHA - determines the slope of the sigmoid function at the origin, which is ALPHA/4. ALPHA = 1 is a reasonable choice.

ONE EPOCH - trains the network for one epoch (one pass through all the training samples).

TRAIN - continuously trains, epoch after epoch, the neural net.

VALIDATE - tests the trained neural net on the validation data. It is allowed to continue training after a validation test.

ERROR ON LAST INPUT - displays the squared error on last sample processed.

TRAINING ERROR - displays the average squared error over the training data on the last epoch.

TESTING ERROR - displays the average squared error over the testing data on the last epoch.

VALIDATION ERROR - displays the average squared error over the validation data from the last VALIDATE request.

GRAPH - displays the training error (black) and testing error (red) as a function of the epoch.

PLOTTING? - For Problems 1, 3, and XOR, displays the training, test, and validation data for a brief time after GENERATE DATA is pressed, displays the network outputs for the training and test samples during training, and displays the network outputs for the validation data when VALIDATE is requested. This allows the learned behavior to be compared with the training data. The samples are displayed as scaled patch colors. Plotting is automatically turned off for Problem 2, since the function is three-dimensional.


This section will give some ideas of things for the user to notice while running the model.


This section will give some ideas of things for the user to try to do (move sliders, switches, etc.) with the model.


This section will give some ideas of things to add or change in the procedures tab to make the model more complicated, detailed, accurate, etc.


This section will point out any especially interesting or unusual features of NetLogo that the model makes use of, particularly in the Procedures tab. It might also point out places where workarounds were needed because of missing features.


This section will give the names of models in the NetLogo Models Library or elsewhere which are of related interest.


To refer to this model in academic publications, please use: MacLennan, B.J. (2008). NetLogo Back-Propagation model. http://www.cs.utk.edu/~mclennan. Dept. of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville.

In other publications, please use: Copyright 2008 Bruce MacLennan. All rights reserved. See http://www.cs.utk.edu/~mclennan/420/NetLogo/Back-Propagation.html for terms of use.


globals [
; list of number of neurons in each layer
; list of weight matrices
; list of state vectors
; list of training pairs
; list of test pairs
; list of validation pairs
lwbX upbX
; bounds on X values
lwbY upbY
; bounds on Y values
lwbZ upbZ
; bounds on Z values (if used)
; error on the last pattern processes
; average error over training data
; average error over test data
; average error over validation data
; epoch number
to setup ;;;; setup for an experiment ;;;;
set architecture fput inputs but-first architecture ; ensure correct number of inputs
set epoch 0
to clear-outputs
set err-last-input 0
set training-error 0
set testing-error 0
set validation-error 0
to set-inputs ; set number of inputs and bounds appropriate for the problem
ifelse Experiment = "Problem 1" [
set inputs 2
set lwbX -2 set upbX 2
set lwbY -2 set upbY 2
ifelse Experiment = "Problem 2" [
set inputs 3
set lwbX -2 set upbX 2
set lwbY -2 set upbY 2
set lwbZ -2 set upbY 2
set plotting? false ; plotting not allowed on Problem 2
ifelse Experiment = "Problem 3" [
set inputs 2
set lwbX -4 set upbX 10
set lwbY -6 set upbY 6
ifelse Experiment = "XOR" [
set inputs 2
set lwbX -2 set upbX 2
set lwbY -2 set upbY 2
[ ] ] ] ]
to enter-architecture
let hidden-numbers read-from-string user-input
"Enter neurons in each hidden layer, e.g., [4 3 6]"
set architecture fput inputs lput 1 hidden-numbers
to randomize-weights
set weight (map [ random-weight-matrix ?1 ?2 ] ; matrix from ?1 neurons to ?2 neurons
but-last architecture) (but-first architecture))
to-report random-weight-matrix [m n] ; from m neurons (+ bias) to n neurons
report n-values n [ n-values (m + 1) [ -0.1 + random-float 0.2 ] ]
to generate-data
set training-data n-values training_samples [ random-pair ]
set test-data n-values test_samples [ random-pair ]
set validation-data n-values validation_samples [ random-pair ]
wait 3
to-report random-pair ; generate random input output pair for training, testing, or validation
let ranX (random-input lwbX upbX)
let ranY (random-input lwbY upbY)
let pair []
ifelse Experiment = "Problem 1"
set pair list (list ranX ranY) Problem1 ranX ranY ]
ifelse Experiment = "Problem 2"
let ranZ (random-input lwbZ upbZ)
set pair list (list ranX ranY ranZ) Problem2 ranX ranY ranZ
ifelse Experiment = "Problem 3"
set pair list (list ranX ranY) Problem3 ranX ranY ]
ifelse Experiment = "XOR"
set pair list (list ranX ranY) XOR-problem ranX ranY ]
[ ] ] ] ]
if plotting? [ plot-pair (first pair) (item 1 pair) ]
report pair
to-report random-input [lwb upb] ; generate random number in specified bounds
report lwb + random-float (upb - lwb)
to-report Problem1 [x y]
report (1 + sin (90 * x) * cos (90 * y)) / 2
to-report Problem2 [x y z]
report (x ^ 2 / 2 + y ^ 2 / 3 + z ^ 2 / 4) * 3 / 13
to-report Problem3 [x y] ; two overlapping Gaussians with 1/0 outputs
let A_xy A-distribution x y
let B_xy B-distribution x y
report ifelse-value (A_xy >= random-float (A_xy + B_xy)) [1] [0]
to-report A-distribution [x y]
report exp(-0.5 * (x * x + y * y)) / (2 * pi)
to-report B-distribution [x y]
report exp(-0.125 * ((x - 2) ^ 2 + y * y)) / (8 * pi)
to-report XOR-problem [x y]
report ifelse-value (x > 0 xor y > 0) [1] [0]
to train-one-epoch
let total-training-error 0
foreach shuffle training-data [ ; ? = an input-output pair
set total-training-error total-training-error + error ?
back-propagate ?
set training-error total-training-error / length training-data
set testing-error mean-error test-data
set epoch epoch + 1
set-current-plot-pen "training error" plot training-error
set-current-plot-pen "testing error" plot testing-error
to validate
set validation-error mean-error validation-data
to-report mean-error [data]
report mean map [error ?] data
to-report error [sample-pair]
let input first sample-pair
let output forward-pass input
set err-last-input difference output (last sample-pair)
if plotting? [ plot-pair input output ]
report err-last-input
to-report difference [output target] ;; squared error
report (output - target) ^ 2
to-report forward-pass [input-vector]
let prev-layer fput 1 input-vector ; prepend bias value
set state (list prev-layer) ; start list of state vectors (one per layer)
foreach weight [ ; ? = weight matrix between layers
let local-fields mat-vec-prod ? prev-layer
set prev-layer fput 1 map [sigmoid ?] local-fields ; prepend bias value
set state lput prev-layer state
report last last state ; there is only one output neuron
to-report sigmoid [x]
report 1 / (1 + exp(- alpha * x)) ; alpha/4 = slope at x=0
to back-propagate [sample]
let output last last state ; only one output neuron
let target last sample
let delta-output 2 * alpha * output * (1 - output) * (target - output)
let deltas (list delta-output) ; begin list of vectors of delta values with output layer
let Delta-output-weights outer-product deltas map [eta * ?] last butlast state
let Delta-weights (list Delta-output-weights) ; begin list weight-change matrices
; the following could be more efficient (but less clear) by reversing the state and
; weight lists once each
foreach ; lists are reversed to backwards through the layers
reverse butlast butlast state) ; ?1 = preceding state layer
reverse butlast weight) ; ?2 = preceding weight layer
reverse butfirst butlast state) ; ?3 = hidden state layer
reverse butfirst weight) [ ; ?4 = next weight layer
set deltas compute-deltas ?3 ?4 deltas ; compute vector of delta values for this layer
let Delta-hidden-weights outer-product deltas map [eta * ?] ?1 ; weight-change matrix
set Delta-weights fput Delta-hidden-weights Delta-weights
set weight
map [ (map [ (map [?1 + ?2] ?1 ?2) ] ?1 ?2) ] weight Delta-weights) ; sequence of matrix additions
to-report compute-deltas [states weights deltas] ; compute deltas for one layer
;; discard delta for bias neuron when computing deltas:
report butfirst (map [ alpha * ?1 * (1 - ?1) * ?2 ] states (vec-mat-prod deltas weights))
to plot-pair [input output]
let x round (max-pxcor * first input / upbX)
let y floor (max-pycor * item 1 input / upbY)
ask patch x y [
set pcolor scale-color yellow output 0 1
;;; Vector and Matrix Operations ;;;
; Matrices are represented as a list of rows, each of which is a list (i.e., row-major order)
to-report inner-product [U V]
report sum (map [?1 * ?2] U V)
to-report mat-vec-prod [M V] ; matrix-vector product
report map [inner-product ? V] M
to-report vec-mat-prod [U M] ; vector-matrix product
report map [ inner-product U column ? M ]
n-values (length first M) [?]
to-report column [j M] ; report column-j of row-major matrix M
report map [ item j ? ] M
to-report outer-product [U V]
report map [scaler-product ? V] U
to-report scaler-product [x V] ; product of scalar and vector
report map [x * ?] V

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Last updated: 2010-11-03.